Chapter One: The Master is Home

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"Where there is great love, there are always wishes."
-Walla Cather

October came with a wonderful sun shining above the horizon. The early morning breeze chilled the sleepy occupants of the Hinley Manor. Midnight lamps burned into it's tiniest glow until the sunlight had penetrated the curtains.

Emelia got up and stared at the mantle clock beside her bed. It was just ten past six. She usually rose with dawn but last night had been a long one. She got into her work clothes, washed her face in a basin and tucked her hair into a neat bun.

Across her room was Samantha's, the cook's daughter. She knocked and heard her friend uttered a weak reply. The door swung open to reveal a petite girl with the same work clothes she wore.

"What time is it, Em?"

"Just ten past six."

Samantha yawned but eased out of the door. They walked together towards the kitchen where Oscar and Ana were talking.

"Is the master's room ready?" The butler asked.

"It is. You asked several times yesterday and I tell you Oscar, the room is well dusted." Ana answered.

"I only wanted to make sure. You know how the master feels about the house."

"And I have been here far longer than you have," she saw the girls by the door, "come dears, have some breakfast before you go to your chores." She motioned them to sit across the table. Her eyes went back to Oscar, "I know how the master wants the house to be. So fret not, everything is in place."

The aging butler sighed but smiled to them. He had been with the Davensport Household for about nine years now, but Ana, the head cook, had been here since she was a young girl. She knew the Duke and his wife, Duchess Lucille and their children.

"What do I do for today Mama?" Samantha asked her.

"You and Emelia can finish the sheets, we laid them out back because Lady Julianna stained them thoroughly."

Both girls groaned with frustration, it wasn't really their duties to do the laundry but because everyone was busy, it fell into their shoulders. It's not like they hated washing the sheets but it hindered them from participating into whatever was happening inside the manor.

Also, Lady Julianna loved giving the servants trouble. The little miss was the Davensport's youngest child and is very spoiled. Her governesses changed almost every month because she was so difficult. No matter how many times she had been reprimanded to behave and take care of her clothes or anything with a fabric, she'd always find ways to stain them. It has been to Em's experience that the little miss had the ability to come up with the most impossible things dried and stuck into her bedsheets.

"Come on then Em, we'd better start early. I don't want to miss the master's arrival."

She let Samantha drag her away from the warm kitchen and into the wash area. They saw the groom and other servants working with each task. Even the gardener was out this early. They haven't seen Hinley Manor this busy for quiet sometime.

Five years to be exact. Since Lord Damian, the next Duke of Hinley had been sent away to school. He was five years older than Emelia and had been a great friend of hers.

No one, except Sam and her mother knew how she become close to the Duke's son. About sixteen years ago, Lady Lucille found her outside their doors, sick and almost dead. The Duchess took her in and nursed her back to health, she posted notice to whoever knew Em so they can claim her back. But no one ever came.

The Mistress gave her to Ana who had her own daughter living in the manor as well. Em was raised like a servant, taught the chores, given salary and sometimes, a day to rest. But she never knew where she came from, couldn't even recall her parents.

It was Duchess Lucille who gave her a new identity, she once thought that Emelia came as a blessing in disguise. She wanted to legally adopt her but Duke Vincent wouldn't allow it. Though he allowed for her to stay and be given a new name, she was to remain a servant.

"You're in deep thoughts."

She stared at Samantha, "I'm sorry. Must be fatigue."

The girls went down to their knees and rolled their sleeves. The heavy white bedsheet laid under the sun, the heavy brownish stain staring back at them—mocking them.

"You've been so used to working late but I've never seen you this distracted. It's the master, isn't it?"

She tried not to blush but her face grew warm and it was too late to look away, "I do not know what you mean."

She scoffed, "Save it Em, we both know you're excited to see him again. It's been what? Five years?"

Emelia nodded because there was no point arguing with Sam. Eversince she grew up in Hinley Manor she'd been close to Damian, a young boy of nine who once approached her in the kitchen because he wanted to be friends with her.

Duchess Lucille was fine with it, she wanted her children to learn how to mingle with both servants and highborn. Emelia was allowed to play with Damian and even sit in with some of his lessons. So despite being a servant, Emelia knew how to pen her name and read.

As they grew older, their times together had been limited. Emelia had been given her own tasks and Damian going to important gatherings and meetings. But it did not stop the two from sneaking out sometime at midnight just to watch the stars.

Emelia knew she was attracted to Damian and he had mentioned several times how he liked her, too. Before he was sent to Bucksley, he had taken her to a picnic by the lake. Damian was sad and did not want to leave her but she knew he had to. They spent the last time together reminiscing their childhood. When dawn finally came, Damian left her with a loving kiss.

"...hurry. The carriage has arrived! He's here."

Em dropped the sheets and stared at Coleen, one of the upstairs maid. She called Oscar to open the door.

"Em, let's go." Samantha pulled her up and they both ran back inside the house.

"Hurry. We need to stand by the door." Coleen's voice echoed along the hallway as the other maids hurried to take their posts.

Sam and Emelia stayed by the kitchen door and peeked towards the main entrance. Oscar was just opening the door when she saw him.

Same bright blue eyes, golden hair and fair-skinned limb. Black pants and white shirt framed his body, no longer of a boy's stature but already a man's proud figure. Damian Davensport had arrived.

This is my third attempt in writing Historical Romance stories. The events are mainly the fruits of my imagination and the influence of the books I have read. I know there are a lot of things I need to improve on and I am working hard on improving myself. I would appreciate if you could give me your comments, questions and feedbacks.

Do enjoy As you wish!

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