Chapter 53: Seemingly challenge

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"I love a good challenge and I think its when people least expect you to do something that you often do your best."

-Shayne Ward

For the next few days, Fairclough manor has been filled with morning callers again and again. It was on the fourth day when Gideon has graced its doors.

Em tried to mask her surprise but he saw it anyways.

"I do apologize for not coming so soon." Gideon said apologetically while handing her some white tulips. "I had some knightly duties to attend to."

"Most understandable, sir Gideon. I simply cannot demand for you to call upon me when the Kingdom needs your presence."

He sighed with relief, "I was afraid you'd not let me in. Seeing as I have neglected you at our family's ball. That is something I wish to apologize as well."

"You left me with Mrs. Garth, whom you trust and I was grateful for her help. Fret not, I found my way around."

"But I feel bad for leaving you alone with her. She can be quite...difficult."

Em's eyes turned to him, "Difficult how?" Did he knew his old nanny told her things about him?

"She...she can be overly protective. I guess it was because I was a sickly child under her care and does not believe I can take or myself now. She may have told you embarrassing things about my childhood."

Those were not the things Em heard. Mrs. Garth was definitely not protective. She was obsessed. But she didn't tell Gideon how she found his nanny, for all she cared, the man has interpreted the woman's attentions as nothing more than a caring old lady. But hearing him say that only confirmed that she ought to be careful around the next time she met her. She decided not to dwell on it for now.

"Will you be spending the day apologizing to me?" Em smiled. "Because that would be ridiculous."

"Well, no. I came to properly state my intentions of course." He scratched the back of his head, quite unsure what to say or do. "If you will have me?"

Em laughed heartily not knowing that the other callers have stopped to gape at the wonderful melody she emitted.

"You are very much welcome here, Sir Gideon. And thank you for the flowers, they are most wonderful."

"I am glad you like them. I also brought a letter from my mother," he pulled the envelope from his jacket pocket, "she insisted it must be handed directly to you. I believe it may be an invitation for some tea party she organized."

"How generous of her to invite someone she have not met yet." She took the paper and safely placed it on the table next to her.

"Well, you are quite known around these parts now. With my mother's nose for gossip, she must've heard all about you. Mayhap you'll outshine the other ladies who came out this season. People are curious about you, Emelia."

"They are?" She asked, not certain how to react. How could a simple servant like her be the talk of the town?

"Yes! I know not why the papers haven't mentioned it but everywhere I go, people are talking about a Miss Roderick residing here in Fairclough Manor." He smiled, "You currently have the most number of callers than the other houses we passed by."

She shook her head, "I wouldn't think so much about it, Sir Gideon. They may as well be curious just like the rest. My, I believe there are faces I have never met before. However did they find me?"

"A beautiful face will attract anyone far and wide, Emelia. They must've gone through a lot to find where you live."

She blushed at that. He just called her beautiful in a room full of other men. Her own mistress raised her head from the book she was reading, her eyes seemed to approve. Em stared at Gideon and admitted how handsome the man was and how different it felt to be around him. There was an air of safety when they were together. May be it because he had shown that he did not merely lusted after her? Is it because he showed interest in her mind and opinion? Or was he truly different from the rest?

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