Mom-zilla (unedited)

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<<Yeah! And you don't stop
Now, once again Ace One is on the wax 
and this one goes out to everybody 
who experienced in their lifetime 
or going to experience in their lifetime some type of hardship
Because everybody goes through hardships>>


Baby we forgot the coffee yesterday" Niti said looking at the empty coffee container.

"Hmm" that's all Parth said trying to find something.

"What hmm? Parth you know how I am without my coffee, especially in the mornings-" Parth cut her off by smashing his lips on hers, kissing her with care, as if she was fragile.

"I do, I was finding my cell so I can go and get it. Besides I wouldn't risk my existence" Parth said with a playful smile on his lips.

"You were all cute till you said that. Meanie" Niti said slapping his chest.

"You know I'm not mean, I'm sexy baby."

"You're cocky" Niti said kissing him on the nose.

"That too" he said still aimlessly searching for his phone.

"Take that and leave before I actually turn into a whiny kid" she pointing to his cell that was kept on top of the shoe rack.

"One demanding piece of beauty I've got" he said blowing one last kiss before he closed the door behind him. Niti could hear him whistling and singing before it it became faint and then she could no longer hear it.

"One crazy ass boyfriend I have got" Niti said aloud.

Niti was staring off into the distance thinking of different life will be once they're over and done with the promotions. There were a host of thoughts circling in her mind when suddenly her phone started blaring her ringtone, she jumped up in fright and groaned at the caller, however her face softened when she saw it was infact Parth who was calling her.

"Niti.." he started.

"Not even ten minutes have passed, you can't be at the store already. So is it a reminder call that you love me?"

"I'd love to do that but I am infact at the store and they don't have what you drink. What should I do?" Parth asked.

"Did you take a proper look?" Niti asked trying not to suppress the surge of irritation taking over her.

"No, the man in here said they don't have the variety" he replied.

"They don't even know what varieties exist half of the time. So just take a look and if you don't get it then do whatever suits you best. And I love you" Niti said leaving air kisses before she cut  the line. She dropped the phone on her lap. Her phone dinged moments after and she saw she had got a text from Parth it read:

Parth♡: if I dont get the one you want, I'll just give a call, kay. Love you xxxx

She smiled at the text and kept it back. A few minutes later her phone started ringing again, she picked it without seeing the caller I'd.

"Hey bab-"

"You got back with that bastard?! How come do I not know about this?" Her mother's voice pierced through the calm silence she was sitting in just moments ago. She slapped her forehead hard, how could she afford to not be careful. She had been avoiding picking her mother's calls,  She kinda knew what was coming.

"Hey mom... Good Morning" Niti replied totally wishing she could cut the call right now and run off saying there was a network issue but she knew that wouldn't help, so she just decided to go with flow, see how it turned out.

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