Care Is In The Air

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<<"If you are near
Then make it clear
Up to my mind and eyes
To again feel your love">>

<<"You need someone you can believe in
This I do declare
Trust me I'll be there
The road that leads to heaven can be so steep
I will help you climb
Change your state of mind">>


"Morning... Could we like rehearse together?" Niti asked peeking into Parth's van, hope shining in her eyes. His dark mocha orbs immediately shot up from the script, meeting her chocolate ones. He was little taken aback by this. Sure Niti was less distant and all, she was easing out, but this still wasn't expected so soon. He didn't know he was staring a bit too long, lost in her eyes, still surprised by her sudden surge of enthusiasm.

"Only if you want..." she added when she recieved no response from him, her voice sounding a little hurt, clearly confused by Parth's behaviour. That morning she had received a text from Parth wishing her good morning and yeah he also left X's with it but now he didn't even want to rehearse with her.

"Niti" Parth shouted waving his hand in front of her. "What happend? Did you zone out or something?"

"I...I was thinking things. It doesn't matter" Niti said.

"You sure you okay?" Parth asked genuinely concerned.


"So should we rehearse then?" Parth asked picking his script up again.

"Really you want to?" Niti asked grinning widely and trying hard to hide the tone of desperation in her voice.

"'Good Morning Niti. Have a great day...xx" guess that worked then" Parth said smirking. "Why did always have to smirk?" Niti thought.

"Was he flirting?" She knew that probably this comment meant nothing but she couldn't discard the slightest possibility of it being what she like to think it was. If she would have actually confessed how she felt to anyone other than Adi, they would probably think she was some crazy ass woman for talking about her ex-boyfriend like a thirteen year old talks about her high school crush.

"No it's nothing like that" she said trying to hide her smile, that's ready to break out on her face. "And you know your an idiot, right?" She said chuckling.

"Idiot yes, but your idiot" Parth said smiling foolishly. The smile that reached up to his eyes and that made the sinfully sexy Parth Samthaan go so adorable that you'd want to coo at his cuteness, atleast thats what Niti wanted to do.

"Such a dork!"

"But you like it!"

"Not at all" she lied, "Now shall we get back to rehearsing?"

"We shall even though this" he said motioning between the both of them "is infintely better". Niti just smiled even wider if possible and looked back at her script. Although she was looking down and her hair was covering her face, Parth didn't miss the rose- tinted cheeks complementing her wide smile making her look even more beautiful. He was amazed how effortlessly pretty she looked and he could get used to seeing this everyday, outside of work as well.

Niti, to be honest, was a bit surprised cause Parth was sweet and all, caring too but she never in a million years could have pictured him saying something so dorky. That's just not the Parth she knew. Maybe he was changing? Or maybe, before now, she never made an effort to see beyond the hella hot image of her then boyfriend to notice this side of his. Whatever it was she could used to it.
"I don't think you're fine Niti" Avinash, their director said. He wasn't pleased with Niti's idea of working late. Her face was red from all the sneezing and coughing she'd been doing and they just found out she was also having a light fever. She was fine in the morning, but soon her health deteriorated. He'd be lying if he said that their shooting schedule wouldn't get hampered because of this, but it would be wiser for Niti to not over-work herself and get back as soon as possible than tiring herself out and then taking to bed.

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