On The Line

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A/N: So it's the 21st. This was exactly the date, when I started writing this story a month back. I had no idea that so many people would read, vote and comment on it. I dont think much bcuz when i do its all still so surreal. I never expected all the love that you'll poured in. There are 7k+ reads and over 1k votes, not to mention its in the ranking - its my first story so I definitely am exalted and thankful.


Now without further ado... right onto the chapter we go.

<<These past days and past nights

Walks under streetlights
Something don't feel right
Sooner or later she'll be
Trips to Chicago
Don't call me crazy, this time tomorrow
You lead me, I'll follow
I got the tables, I bought the bottles

Sooner or later she'll
Be walking away, I got something to say to her
Sooner or later she'll
See what's inside, I've put something away for her
Man, I'd do anything for her
Sooner or later she'll be

I ain't pulling you back
When you feeling like that
I ain't tripping, getting mad
'Cause sooner or later she'll be
Coming right back
When you feeling like that
I ain't tripping, getting mad
Sooner or later she'll be>>


"This is what I get for loving him so much" Niti said in a whisper, sitting all alone in Adi's house.
"This is it then" he asked sniffling.

"Isn't that's what you want to hear?" Niti spat.

"Isn't that what you want me to say?" He spat back.

"This is the end of us, then" she said without blinking.

"I guess it is" he shrugged. "I should probably leave. It's your house after all. I'll just take my wallet and cellphone" he said in an uber calm voice. No shouting, yelling, being aggressive- nothing. He didn't want to argue about it further, so he just stated what he was about to do without being rough and harsh about it.

"Live as much as you want in this house, I'm the one who'se leaving. I want to be alone and that won't be possible with all those memories present here. It's like they live and breathe in here" she said crossing her arms.

Parth closed his eyes and gulped hard, balling his hands into a fist and then releasing it. He was going to say something, his ego wouldn't let him- it's almost as if his hands and legs were shackled and his mouth was taped- but his conscience urged him to. After all he had hid something, though it had got nothing to do with fucking another girl, but still.

"Niti" he said exhaling loudly "You don't need to do this. We can sit and talk." Niti was a little taken aback at that. They had been hurling abuses a while back and now he was suggesting they could talk. The idea seemed appealing and their was a tiny voice in her head asking her to agree to suggestion, they could work it out...

"So?" Parth asked hopefully.

"No" Niti said licking her lips. She had for a moment got into the lure of his words, he was a charmer now. But she couldn't do that, she couldn't forgive someone who cheated on her, who lied to her. She can't loose her logic now, not ever. "I need to go. I wanna be alone" she said taking her keys and cell and rushing out, closing the door behind with a loud bang.

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