I Caught The Hang Of 'It'

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<<"When I see your face / There's not a thing that I would change / 'Cause you're amazing / Just the way you are">>

<<Remember those walls I built? Well, baby they're tumbling down and they didn't even put up a fight, they didn't even make a sound.>>

Niti got out of the washroom, still feeling extremely sleepy. She had just woken up but all she wanted was to go back to sleep. Immediately. She was tired, terribly so. They didn't have shoot before two more days, which was a relief and all she wanted to do was rest. Work was nice and all but it was extremely tiring and to work when, due to this ridiculous cold your head feels like a ticking bomb, is in one word HORRIBLE. In capitals literally.

Work did one good thing though, it made her think of Parth, making her feel better instantly. A smile settled on her lips when she thought about the events of the previous day. She had never thought he would actually do that. She still wasn't sure if it was just on an impulse but if so the smile on his face definitely said otherwise.

She went towards her bed, getting cosy under the duvet and checking her phone. There were some random texts from various companies about various offers and one from Avinash to make sure she was okay to which she quickly sent a reply saying "Fine..the cold is still there tho. :)". There weren't any messages from Parth, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed but she brushed it off. He could just have been busy with some kind of work or some personal commitment (he did mention about struggling with finding a nice house. He wanted to move out from his current apartment) either way she shouldn't care so much. But she couldn't help it. Just yesterday he was so concerned and now he didn't even care.
It was ten in the morning and there was already something pissing her off.

Just when she was about to doze of again her phone went off blaring her ringtone, she immediately picked when she saw the caller ID.

"Parth?" She asked.

"Open the door!" He said struggling to talk.

Now Niti was gravely confused, what was going on exactly. "What do you mean by that? Why should I open the door?"

"Cause someone is standing outside and you should get the door. Now!" He practically yelled. Niti just rushed to the door, still unable to process anything. She did have an idea of who it could be but she didnt want to get her hopes high.

She opened the door to a huge bouquet of pink carnations, the sweet scent hitting her nose immediately sending her into a trance.
'Uhh' she heard the person behind it groan from not able to step in since she was standing glued to the entrance.

"Oops! Sorry and thank you Parth, you're a sweetheart" Niti said stepping aside.

"How did you know it was me?" Parth asked surprised, smiling on the inside about something that Niti called him as he handed over the bouquet to her. It took him by surprise since his face was covered by the bouquet completely and yet she got it.

"Common sense, you were the one shouting on the phone. Who else could it be? Either that or you would a creepy stalker who was secretly watching who came to my house and when. And the latter doesn't seem like you. Though I admit to be confused at first" Niti said stumbling a bit by the weight of the bouquet making Parth chuckle. She was so small and petite, the bouquet looked gigantic in comparison to her. He stepped ahead and took it from her and gently placed it on the table in the centre of the living room. Their hands touching slightly making both of them feel tingles all over.

A Part Of My Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें