And A Bigg Surprise!! (unedited)

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<<Tell me you love me
Tell me to stay
Grab me around my waist, don't let me walk away
Tell me I'm all yours
Tell me today
Tell me I warm your soul when skies are cloudy grey>>

"If you really want to how I felt Parth,I felt miserable. I really I did. It was awful, but it still didn't hurt as much as it did when I heard all of those things yesterday, because we were in a relationship even then and I liked you really very much. But liking and loving are two different things and when I said I loved you, I meant it. So this time around even the thought of it broke me more than the actual deed did last time" Niti said looking up, her eyes glassy, Parth moved closer to her and took her hands in his, rubbing it softly.

"Shit! She's hurt...terribly so. But I didn't mean for it to happen this way" Parth groaned.

"Love is such a strong emotion it overwhelms you on so many levels that you aren't capable of thinking straight. I wasn't too. Like I said earlier, what I did was utterly stupid, it was wrong, but I didn't know what else to do! I didn't have the courage to walk up to you and drop this bomb. I was scared, but after last night I know I shouldn't be" Niti admitted.

"As far as I'm concerned. I always fled... does from how I truly felt, what I felt. Anger- everybody thinks it's a strong emotion, it drains you out. But I can't say so. That's perhaps the simplest emotion, it's a release for all your frustrations, insecurities, envy- all the unsaid feelings that perhaps have a name, perhaps don't but either way are too overwhelming for us to handle. I couldn't handle complex situations really well. So I did the only thing that seemed feasible, I escaped reality."

"Now you trust me but then you didn't and so didn't you till today morning Niti. But I guess your right the magnitude and gravity of your emotions increases a ten-folds when you're in love. It's not like the other relationships you've been in, it's diffrent. Last time all I felt was, what was I gonna do? But this time it was where we as a couple were going. Or everytime when you trusted others and not me I felt anger rushing through me, but this time I was hurt. It pained to think that you could suspect me of cheating" he said trying to stop his voice from cracking. Niti kissed his knuckles and pecked him lightly.

To consider anything gone is always an ignorant move. That they understood and they also understood that as long as they trusted their partner and communicated with them all was gonna be fine.

"Hello? Krisann is it you?" Parth asked a little worried when he heard someone crying on the other side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not Parth, I'm breaking bit by bit. I need someone right now to talk to, or just be in their company. I'm feeling terribly lonely" she said her voice thick with cough.

"Krisann I understand you're alone and that must be difficult but at the end of the day, it's you who has to get over this feeling and you've gotta do that on your own. I can't be of much help" he said as she constantly sniffled. "Moreover Niti isn't comfortable with the idea of us meeting, because of you know what.. and I don't want to do anything that will upset her" he said truthfully. Niti was standing behind him, her heart swelling at the last few words that Parth uttered. Parth cut the call with a small 'I'm sorry'.

"What will upset me babe?" Niti said suddenly popping up in front of him. Parth clutched his chest.

"You'll gimme a heart attack some day. Anyway so were you listening to my conversation? Don't you know it's bad manners" he said in a fake parental voice.

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