Being with Luke was so nice. The two of us on a mini vacation was something we needed. Especially since things were a little rough after I told him I wasn't going home. We talked it out before he even came to visit, so it wasn't too awkward when we saw each other. But we really did have a good time together. A really good time together. Luke flew home, and I drove back to UCLA with my friends.

A few weeks went by, nothing unusual happened. I went to class, Ashton and I continued working our jobs, I hung around with my friends a lot and we went to parties. Everything was fine, until the pregnancy scare.

It was terrifying, and I went through the whole thing myself. I didn't want to tell Nina or Ashton, I never talked about Luke with them and this didn't seem like a good time to bring him up. They knew I was with him in San Francisco, though that's it. I went through it alone, but it turned out to be a false alarm, so everything was okay. It's not that I didn't want kids with Luke; I felt I was too young, and I wasn't ready for this. I was still in college after all.

I didn't tell Luke about it, though. I figured since it was now in the past there was no point. There was a point where I thought I should've told him the second I might've been pregnant. But again, it was over now.

That is, until Luke FaceTimed a week later. Thankfully, Nina was visiting friends for the weekend. Ashton and I had gotten wine drunk in his room while watching Keeping Up with the Kardashian's before the call.

Luke and I started off having a great conversation. He wouldn't stop laughing at my drunk rambling and giggling. It all went well, until I said something about how it's a good thing I ended up not being pregnant, considering how much I had to drink.


"You're so cute when you're drunk. You ramble about everything and anything." Luke laughs, smiling at me through the phone.

"I know. I'm so fucking drunk, baby. God, imagine if I actually ended up being pregnant? I'd be so fucked." I chuckle, before my eyes widen and my drunk self realizes what exactly I just said.

"Wait, what?" Luke questions.

"I- uh, you know what... I had a pregnancy scare. After San Francisco. But it was a false alarm. It's whatever."

"What the fuck? Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"It's not important, it wasn't real, so it's fine." I mumble, almost dropping my phone.

"Can you sit still, Kels? We need to talk."

"Luke, I'm too drunk, please don't-"

"I'm upset! You would've thought it was real when it happened! I'm your husband, you should've come to me with this!"

"It's my body, Luke. I wanted to make sure I was pregnant before I told you. Turns out I wasn't. So, I didn't say anything. I guess I kind of understand why you're mad, but also, calm the fuck down." I slur, defending my decision.

"Jesus, Kels. What's wrong with you?" Luke asks, scoffing at how I'm behaving.

I gasp, "There's nothing wrong with me, Luke! I can't believe you're acting like this."

"You know what, whatever. I just wanted to be there for you. I know you were probably terrified. But, whatever. I'll talk to you later."


I frown, seeing that he ended the call.


I understood where he was coming from, I still do. The fact that I didn't call my husband right when I thought I could've been pregnant wasn't a good idea. After that call I just couldn't stop crying. It didn't help that I was drunk, I was even more emotional with the alcohol in my system. So, I texted Ashton to come over.

Ashton spent the night again since I wouldn't stop crying. I wouldn't tell him what happened, he tried to get it out of me, but I refused. I wasn't going to bring up Luke, the pregnancy scare, or the fight. So, I cried myself to sleep in Ashton's arms once again.

When I woke up the next morning, curled up in Ashton's arms I almost screamed. At first, I couldn't remember how we ended up like that, and I was so worried something that shouldn't have happened, happened. After a few moments of going over the previous night, I could recall what happened and knew I shouldn't be worried.

He finally woke up, also confused. He then asked me if I wanted to talk about it yet, but I told him I still didn't want to. He spent the rest of the day in my room and we just watched more episodes of the reality show I hate to admit I enjoy.

School continued on as usual, and I had finals to do. I was pretty stressed. It became hard for me during studying and stressing for my exams that I wasn't speaking to anybody. Luke, once again, felt as though I was being neglectful, even though I had previously told him I wouldn't be able to talk much.

What's worse was a week later; Ashton, Nina, Kyle and I all got approved to move into our own place together for next year. But we'd have to move in this summer. So, we made plans to stay in LA for an extra two weeks. When I finally told Luke, he didn't react well.


"Luke, I have to tell you something." I tell him over the phone, trying to remain calm. I knew he'd be upset, though it was only two weeks.

He sighs, "What is it now?"

I ignore his comment, not wanting to pick a fight with him now, "I'm not coming home right away. I'm moving my stuff into a house here. With my friends."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Listen, I get you're upset. But it's just a couple weeks. You'll survive an extra two weeks." I reply, trying my best not to snap.

He groans, clearly frustrated, "Yeah, but you cancelled coming home on your break, you didn't come back for Easter, which I understand, I guess. Now you're staying in LA longer than you need? It just fucking sucks, Kels. I miss you. I get excited you're going to be back home, and it gets ripped away from me."

"I'm sorry that I'm not revolving everything around you, Luke. But I need to move. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, and we're moving out in Seattle too, remember? You're supposed to be here for that. We're getting our own place that's not in my parents basement? Do you not remember?"

"I know that, Luke. I'm sorry I'm not there to help start the packing. I just can't leave yet."

"Whatever, Kelsey. I'm busy with work, I can't deal with this right now." He sighs, pausing, clearly trying to calm down, "I'm sorry. I have to go. I love you, I'll see you soon.

"I love you too."


Finals went well, and the second we all finished; we started packing up to move into our new place. A lot of people hate moving, but we had a blast moving into our place together. It was a great time for us, and even though we pretty much had no furniture at all, our sleepover on the living room floor was one of the best nights we've ever had together.

The extra two weeks I told Luke I'd be staying, turned into five weeks. Luke and I fought over it. He said he wasn't mad, but I knew he was lying; it was quite obvious. Especially since We didn't talk for a week; we both were so frustrated with each other.

It all just got worse from there.


hey. forgot to mention the first five chapters are all pretty long, after that they'll be shorter, but like, not super short or anything.

and yeah these beginning chapters are set in the past and when it gets to like the main point in the story (starting chapter 6) it's set in late 2017 through 2018 just btw it's just for how to story works idk yeah

also idk if I should put a warning that from here on out substance abuse (both drugs and alcohol) will be mentioned, I personally don't think it's anything too bad but idk just incase so y'all know!!!

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