[] C h a p t e r 8 []

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A/n : Ayy~ Anyone notice the change of the cover? No? Okay. Also you all will hate me for this so keep your calm down till the chapter ends and lashed out at me.


"Even a demon was an angle. It's only because they got a rough life so they changed. They were actually nice if you understand them. Unlike me, I wasn't an angle nor a demon. I was a monster. The difference is, They got reasons to live while monster not." - E


A sickening crack heard through the universe as someone let out their last breath. The sound of a soul shattering heard as the owner of the soul started faded into dust. Their eyes slowly closed as their body fell limp.

Their heart started slowly beating as it came to a stop. Their body is cold as ice but their blood is warm as a soup. The body slowly fell down as almost half of their body dusted.

They prayed that their loved one will continue live and move on. They hoped that no one will realize that they weren't in the world anymore. At least they hoped so. But only Fate could decide it, It's not their right to say about that either.

They never forget to remember all the reasons that existed to make them still alive till today, The last breath. As if all the small beautiful memories clouded around their mind, As if twirling happily around their vision. All the happy memories that will last forever in their soul. Whenever death or alive.

They smiled as they reached the end as they completely dusted. Only a pile of dusts and some clothes left on the ground. Nothing less, Nothing more. Only the powerful one decided them to rest in heaven or hell. Sometimes we all confused. Everyone wants to go to heaven, But they don't want to die. Isn't that ridiculous yet hilarious?

'How pathetic.' That was what in Nightmare's mind right now. He hadn't seen Error since the incident of Killer and Dust being kidnapped. He searched for him with his negative emotions but he couldn't find him.

So he decided to search for every universe, Especially the original ones. He was in EpicTale #2. He had hung Epic - EpicTale #2 Sans to the wall and threatened him if he have saw Error, The Destroyer of AUs.

He didn't see him which pissed Nightmare. So Nightmare stabbed his soul with his tentacles and Epic turned into dust. The pile of dusts and clothing in front of him was Epic's.

Nightmare sighed frustratingly as he face palmed. He rubbed his forehead, Stressed of where the destroyer of universe would be. There's only some possible universe Error would go.

First is Anti-Void, Well it wasn't a universe. It's just a blank white void with some strings, souls and dolls hanging on the ceiling. Nightmare couldn't stay there too long or it would drive him crazy.

Could you imagine? The whiteness in the void. No colour. The cold temperature in the void. The silence that was too much and you can't even hear a single living things there. Nothing in there, Nothing to live for, Nothing to eat for, Nothing to drink and many more.

Only just an empty white spaced room called Anti-Void. It was such a boredom that could drive any people crazy if they stayed too long with no companion. If something like that happen, You will start feel lonely and talked to yourself.

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