[] C h a p t e r 7 []

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Everything was dark. Till a figure appeared in front of him. He slowly walked closer to the figure. He knew this was a dream, Yet it was so real.

Error stood in front of him with his back faced to him. Nothing came out from the both skeleton's mouth. He took a step forward, Out of nowhere there was branch and he stepped on it. A sickening breaking sound heard.

Error turned around, Looking at him in shocked face. In his hand, There's his soul. An upside down soul colored bright yellow mixing in with a darkened yellow and a light sky blue with dark blue strings hanging off of it and stitched all over it floated up. The soul was cracked and sewed together with the datk blue strings, The soul was glitching as well.

Not only the soul that made him surprised. Lots of sharp bones surrounded it. Looks like the bones ready to pierce the soul anytime soon. The bones got pointy end as if had sharpened like Error wanted to be.

A bandage wrapped around Error's eyes, Tied it tightly around it. He didn't know why Error tied his eyes like that. Error tilted his head as he stared at the source of the sound.

"Who's there?" He questioned, Raising his eyebrow.

"Why do you wrap bandages around your eyes?" He asked, Walking closer to Error.

Error obviously flinched and took a few steps back away from him. "So they won't see my eyes." He responded back shortly, Smiling a bit.

"Who's them?" He asked again. He was wondering why Error was smiling, With all the bruises on his soul. He couldn't handle watching Error suffering, Yet he liked the way of negative feelings Error provided.

"Oh, No one. Could you... Tell me, Why are you here?" He asked, Tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know." He answered back.

"Oh... You should go back, Your family must be worry about you. Also thank you."

"For what?"

"For keeping my little lonely soul company. But I am worry, That you won't be able to see me again."

"What d-do you mean?" He choked out.



"ERROR!" Nightmare yelled, panicking. Nightmare woke up, Sweating nervously. He hugged the blanket that wrapped around me as he looked around the room.

He was in his own room. "T-that must have been a nightmare..." He mumbled, Rubbing his forehead in frustration. He sighed and realized that he was crying. He quickly wiped it off and stormed off to the bathroom.

"I must find Error..."


"H-hey, Error? Can you uncover your hands and open your eyes?" Blue asked. Error shook his head in denial as he tried to get away from Blue. He stumbled and fell down, Groaning in pain as more bones cracked.

"Don't push yourself over Error. I just want to see your eyes. You kept covering it, You made me curious." Blue begged as he forcefully uncovered his hands. He could see some bloods staining around his eye sockets.

"Open your eyes." He demanded. Error shook his head in denial again. Blue pushed Error's ribs a little to make him in pain. Error eyes opened and screamed in pain as he sobbed silently before closing his eyes quickly.

Broken Path [] ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now