Chapter 23: Where Else is There to Go?

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He kept the windows shut in his temporary home. The blinds and curtains also covered them so that no light could get past and enter his room. He had no interest in being seen by anyone whether they would recognize him or not. He disguised himself as one of the humans living in the city, even added another fake apartment building to the street scene to make it more believable. Loki did what he could to keep himself hidden away from people, the Avengers, and especially the Chitauri. As mentioned, this would only be a temporary spot. He knew that he would eventually be found out by someone, and he also had no desire to live forever on earth. He couldn't go back to Asgard either, Jotunheim wasn't an option either. Where else could he go to? Running and hiding seemed to be his only options until he could figure a way to finally hide himself and live among others where he could be left alone until he was ready to make a move for something he wanted. At the moment, he only wanted two things: to be free of the Chitauri's death threats, and to have (y/n) swoon for him in the hopes to have her for himself. For right now, figuring out what to do with his more threatening enemies was more important.

He sat back in a dark black leather chair that was placed behind a desk in a library. It seemed as though the two of them commonly enjoyed libraries or other places of study. He remembered how she was when he had her as a captive in his last fake apartment set up, only then she was far more apprehensive and pulled away from him. Since then, things have changed dramatically for the better, but he wasn't sure how he was supposed to handle this. Shouldn't it be a good thing that there is a far more friendlier progression between the two rather than such a hostile feeling like there was in the past? He wasn't sure. Even if he could truly win her over, what would happen then? Where do they go, how do they live, how will they hide? Could he really protect her if he can't protect himself, or even save his own mother? "Damn!" He hissed and slammed his fist on to the desk. He was supposed to be thinking about how to end the Chitauri, and instead, his thoughts were more concerned about her. . . but what if he did entertain those thoughts for a bit? What was he supposed to do? How does he help  her? How does he keep her safe and happy? What will happen when others try to attack or hunt her down? Surely once word gets out about her abilities others will be interested in her as a weapon or prize. People and other beings would do anything for power. What would happen to her then? Only questions and more questions were filling his mind at that moment. He needed to keep her safe. . . But he also has to get away from those who want him dead.

Leaning back further into his chair, Loki sighed. "What happens now?" He muttered to himself, and scanned his room looking at the books and furnature as he sunk deeper into his thoughts. "Perhaps she'll be interested in a chat," he wondered. He looked over at the clock, it was only the afternoon, which meant that the team would be up and about now. He would have to wait until night time before he could see her again. If only, if only.

Night time felt as if it had taken too long to reach. To him it was almost as if the night sky forgot that the day had to be gone later on. It felt far too long until it was dark out when he had his chance to see her again he disguised himself as her cat once again, and vanished to her room. He hid himself under the desk and watched her bed from a distance hoping to see her walk into the room and lay on her bed. He sat there waiting. . . Waiting. . . Waiting. . . Still waiting. . . He continued to wait until an hour had passed. When he noticed no one was coming to the room he got up and began to walk around. He saw the real Skittles laying at the foot of her bed on the covers asleep. Behind the cat was her clock which read 11:04 pm. Where could she possibly be? Loki moved around the room a bit more investigating her things before a gust of wind turned his attention to the broken widow that was left there the day before. He changed from his cat form to his usual self and quickly made his way to the broken glass on the floor. He knelt down to investigate, picking up the glass and looking from the window back to her bed. She wasn't there, and the possible reason for that began to sink into his mind despite how badly he didn't want to think of it.
". . .No. . . ."

"Get down!" A man yells and as he turns around and finds two of the team members in her room ready to fire at him. Hawkeye had his bow drawn back and Tony had one of his iron man arms on that was charged and ready to fire at Loki. "Don't move," he tells him while Hawkeye watched him closely. "Where is she?" Clint asks. "I'm not giving you chances to think about this. You've got one answer to give or you lose an eye," he followed with as Loki stood straight and looked at them both seriously and calmly. "I had nothing, to do with this."
"That's not the right answer," Tony states and Clint fired at Loki hitting him straight through his forehead with the arrow. . . .

(To be continued)

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