Bailey looks even more taken back because she trips on her own two feet while standing in the same spot and collapses onto the ground. It takes me a few seconds to realize what happens but when I notice a few students staring at Bailey weirdly, I realize something was wrong, only to find my close friend on the ground, staring at me like I'm a victim of a tragedy. "Zada, wasn't supposed to happen like this."

I sigh, not wanting to have this conversation because I'm certain that I would start blaming her for the destruction of my friendship with Reece when I know it wasn't her fault. Bailey just made me do something I've wanted to do since the start of high school: confess my real feelings and I did. This was my first love therefore I can't expect it to be some fairy tale romance.

I think the worst part of all this was Reece's reaction. He didn't even reply. All I got was a frozen, shocked expression. What went on in his head? Was he trying to figure out what to say or secretly hoping he was experiencing a nightmare? Guess I'll never know.

"Well, this is a normal part of life Bay." I give her a helping hand and an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, I'll get over it."

Bailey doesn't accept my offer for help and instead, uses the lockers to lift herself up. Her head is down in guilt, making me place a hand on her shoulder. "It's not your fault," I kindly remind her, not wanting her to beat herself over the inevitable. I was bound to tell Reece how I feel just as much as I was bound to be rejected.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," Bailey whispers to herself. Looks like she was expecting a different turn of events but hey, life isn't fair. We can't all have want we want.

I grin at my friend and swing my backpack strap over my good shoulder, "at least one of us have a happy ending."

That doesn't seem to cheer her up. The bell rings right at that moment and she leaves abruptly for her class, not even saying or giving me a wave of goodbye. I'm left by the lockers, standing uncertainly. Did I do I so something to upset her? Maybe she's still upset that I wasn't at school yesterday but I texted her beforehand so she's shouldn't be that ticked off.

Then again this is Bailey I'm talking about. She is unpredictable at times.

Deciding not to ponder on my friend's ticked off behaviour any longer, I shut my locker, take three deep motivating breaths, and venture into the hazardous environment of Beacon's High hallways. All my focus is on my wounded shoulder that is still in the process of healing and making sure that no passing student slam into it. I had to argue my way with my parents in order to come here but that doesn't necessarily mean I am fully fit for school. If someone were to apply unwanted pressure to my left shoulder, there would be nothing I could do but go home and rest.

I don't want that to happen. I refuse to sit around in my home where all I have is my injury and feelings to haunt me. School is the distraction I need plus, I don't want to miss another day of senior year.

I envision that the students are a herd of Wildebeest and I'm Simba from the frightening scene in the Lion King. I weave my way around the apathetic students, the ones who are keen on never being late, and the majority of my fellow classmates who are too transfixed on their phone to notice their surroundings. I somehow manage to barely go untouched until I see a swarm of them.

The scariest of Wildebeest: Reece's fan girls. They swarm the school, hungry for the latest gossip of their high school's heartthrob. They know almost every normal fact about him. Worse of all, they go where he goes.

And they're coming straight at me.

I gulp nervously as the distance between me and them shrinks to the point where I can already feel the immense pain that will result from their harsh contact. There is no denying the fact that if they go through me, I will have no choice but to go home. My shoulder isn't ready for them, not by a long shot. How am I supposed to get pass them without worsening my injury?

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