I sighed knowing there was no way we could avoid this. We arranged times to meet for 'training' and ended our meeting.

"Estrella." My dad called as he was leaving.

"Thank you for listening. I know it will take a while to forgive me but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be part of you and Penny's lives again." I nodded and smiled.

Part of me still wanted to be angry and hurt.

But the other part wanted a relationship with my dad.

I was going to make an effort to reconcile with him, I thought to myself.

"One more thing." He said pulling me away so we were out of earshot.

"Human- angel hybrids are very very rare. I think it's best that you keep this amongst yourselves." With that, my father took his leave.

"Alright as promised we are taking you girls out for gelato." Julius said causing the small group to cheer.

"Right but I need to stop by the house and get something." Penny announced.

"Yeah and I'll go ask Ada if she wants to come with us." Alina chimed in.

"Alright we will meet in front of the pack house in 10 minutes." Julius confirmed and we all went our separate ways. I , of course followed Penny so I could speak to her.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked

"A little overwhelmed to be honest. Suddenly after 11 years our dad comes back and we find out that we are also not human. But I have a good feeling about this. Who knows I may just punish all my enemies with my new powers."
She smirked.

Yep. Penny was definitely still Penny!

I skipped upstairs to grab my purse and my jacket. My stomach dropped when I found a red envelope. Immediately I picked it up and pulled out the small card.

An angel hm? More like a devil in disguise. Your powers will be no match for what I have in store for you Estrella.
And that's a promise.

I swallowed hard.

This definitely wasn't there when I had left the house.

I knew it couldn't have been anyone in the house. The joke would have been up already.

I suddenly felt anxious and uneasy. Whoever was leaving these notes was definitely not my biggest fan.

"Estrella hurry up let's go!" Penny called from downstairs.

Quickly I hid the note in the dresser with the other one. "Coming Penny!"

"So did the doctor find out what was wrong with you?" Ada asked as we entered the dessert Parlour.

Penny and I shared a brief look. We'd been told not tell anyone else just yet.

Before I could speak, Penny had already fabricated a story. "Yeah it was just some sort of brief bug. We've had it before just not as severe. It's a hereditary thing. But no need to worry it's all good."

"And the glowing?" Ada pressed.


How exactly were we going to get out of this one?

"Yeah that was a really bad reaction to body bronzer. The affects were amplified against the fluorescent lighting. Again, sorry for that Estrella."

I went along with her story. "Yeah it's fine but no more ordering products online."

To our relief, Ada seemed more or less satisfied with our answer. It really was a miracle because we were naturally already very tanned.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now