My girl.

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As I look over my shoulder I see Reggie coming towards me

"Oh god." I say as I stand up and grab my Jacket

"What do you want dog?" Fangs ask as he pushes me behind him.

"I came to talk to my girlfriend."

"I'm am not your girlfriend." I say as Toni, Sweets and the other Serpents walks up to us

"Babe please let's go talk about this." Reggie says

"No she doesn't have to do anything." Fangs says

"Why would she hang out with you serpent pieces of trash? She wouldn't want your scales all over her."

"I understand why she would hang out with us she wouldn't want flees from a mangy Bulldog." Sweets says as Reggie comes up to him.

"I wouldn't I that if I were you asshole." I say to Reggie as I walk up to Sweets.

"Your really taking this Serpents side Babe."

"Why wouldn't my girl take my side?"

"Your What?" Reggie asks appalled.

"My girl." Sweets repeats as Toni and I look at each other completely confused.

"She is not your anything." Reggie says as he pushes Sweetpea

"Well she ain't yours. Not after what you did to her." Fangs says as Reggie pushes him.

"Hey! Don't touch him." I say as I help Fangs regain his balance

"Babe, let's go." Reggie's says as he grabs my arm and starts pulling me away

"Let go!! Let go of me Reggie!!" I scream as I try to get back to Sweets.

"No!" He screams as be twists my wrist

"Ow!!" I scream as Sweets and the other serpent attack Reggie. As they beat him to the the ground, he loses his grip in my wrist I run straight to Sweets arms.

"Are you ok Princess?" Sweets asks as he kicks Reggie in the gut

"I...I'm fine." As he continues to beat up Reggie

"Sweets that enough." I says


"Sweets he's beaten up enough. Stop please." I say as I rest my hand over his heart. Once I do Sweets quickly glances at me then back down at Reggie as he gives the other serpents a little nod. Which made them all stop

"Your going to stay the hell away from her." Sweets says

"And if I don't?" Reggie asks challenging Sweets as he stands

"Then you're going to end up dead."

"And who's going to kill me?"

"Us." Fangs says as the serpent crowd around sweets and I as Toni glares at Reggie

"Really? What are you going to about it Snake scum?" Reggie asks as he grabs me by my hair and and puts a knife to my throat.

"Let go!!!!" I scream

"Put the knife down asshole. You hurt her and there will be consequences. She is an honorary serpent. You kill her you'll be the next one to die." Fangs says as they all bring out they're switch blades as Reggie puts the knife closer to my neck

"If I can't have you no one can babe." Reggie whispers in my ear as I try to get the knife out of his grasp. As I try I her police sirens

"Oh shit the cops." One serpent says as they all put away their switchblades away

"Oh well." Fangs says ready to fight

"Get out of him out of here T."

"No need." Sweets says as I get a good look as his neck to see his tattoo isn't there as Keller and Jug come down to us with Archie and Fred behind him as Reggie let's m

"Let go of my sister you obsessive pshycopath!" Jug shouts as he gets the knife out of his hand and loses Reggie's grip on me as Archie tackles him to the floor.

"Fangs keep Mariah back." Jug says as Fangs grabs me and pulls me behind him.

"M, are you ok?" Toni asks

"Forget me! Fangs got punch! Fangs are you ok?" I ask

"Yeah I'm fine." Fangs says as Sheriff Keller puts handcuffs on Reggie. And takes him into the back of a cop car.

"Mari! Are you ok?" Jug asks as he runs up to me and hugs me.

"I'm ok." I say as I hug him back.

"Good. Let's go to the Wyrm." Fangs says

"I'm a sec." I say as I walk towards Archie

"Arch! Are you ok?" I ask as I hug Archie

"Yeah. Are you ok?" He asks as he hugs

"Yeah." I say as Fred comes up to me

"That boy is going to be put in a holding cell." Till his parents come in get him. "You going to be ok hun?" Fred asks

"Yeah, I'll be ok."

"Do you And Jug want to come over for dinner tonight?"

"I don't want to bother you." I say

"It's ok. I want you to come for dinner."

"Ok. What time would you want us there?" Jug asks


"Ok we'll see you then. Stay safe Hun." Fred says as he walks away.

"M, if you need anything give me a call." Archie says

"I will see tonight." I say as I walk up to sweets and hop on the back of his bike and drive to the Whyte Whym.

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