What do you want to talk about Pumpkin

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Once we get into the room Dad closes the door behind us and turns to me

"What do you want to talk about Pumpkin?"

"I want to move to Southside high."


"I don't feel safe going to Northside high with Reggie. He will only continue hurting me when he sees me even with Archie and Jug around."

"Pumpkin, is there another reason for it?"

"I'm not a Northsider dad. I've never been and I'm done being something I'm not. Please let me transfer to Southside high."

"Let's talk to Jug." Dad says as he gets up and goes to get Jug. As soon as Jug and dad walks back him he and dad take a seat on a couch that was pushed up into the far Conner

"Your sister has something for you to hear." Dad tells Jug

"What do you want to talk about Mari?"

"I want to move to Southside high Because I don't feel safe at Northside high anymore."


"That's it? That's all you have to say?"

"Your my little sister. You no longer feel safe so, I want you to go somewhere you do and if that's Southside high then do so but, I'm coming with you."

"You will? But, what abou Betty and Archie Your his best friend."

"And your my sister. Your more important." Jug says as he pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"So it's settled. Monday will be your last day at Northside high. I will make the call. You two enjoy yourself while your here." Dad says as we walk out of the room

"We should tell Archie." I say as Toni looks over at us.

"Yeah we should tell him in person." Jug says

"We'll stop by his place on our way home. I say as Toni walks up to us....

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