The boy with a snake on his jacket

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As I look over my shoulder I see a tall guy in a jet black leather jacket with a snake on it ordering some food.

"Who's that?" I ask as Jug

"I have no clue." He says

"He's a serpent though." Archie says

"A Serpent? What's a Serpent Arch?" I ask

"A Southside Serpent. They're a gang. He's a gang member" Archie says as I look the boy up and down.

"What are they doing in the Northside then?" Betty says

"Probably just getting something of Pop's world famous fries and milkshakes." I say as Pop comes up to us with fries.

"Pop, We didn't order fries." Veronica says

"I know. Someone else ordered them for you sunshine."  Pop says as he puts them down in front of me.

"Oh.... someone has a secret admirer." Betty teases

"Shut up B. Pop, May I ask who bought these for me?" I ask

"The young man in the jacket. Sitting next to the girl with the colored hair." Pop says with a smile as he walks

"A serpent ordered you fries?" Archie asks

"Apparently." Jug says

"I'm going to thanks him." I say as I get up

"Woah, woah woah. Hold your horses. You can't walk up to him. He's a serpent." Archie say pulling me back down

"Jug, help." I say

"Jug, talk some sense into her." Archie says

"I think if she wants to thank him she should." Jug tells him

"I think it's the right thing to do. I would want to be thanked if I did something nice for someone." Betty says

"I agree but, be careful M." Veronica says

"Thank you B,V." I say as I get back up and walk to the boy.

"Excuse me?" I ask

"What do ya want." The boy ask

"I want to thank you for the fries but there is no reason to be so mean."

"And who said I got you fries?" He asks with a smirk

"Pop did."

"Well maybe you need to check your sources Northsider."

"And you should be careful on how you talked to people and you should also check your sources because I ain't from the Northside." I says as I clench my jaw and ball my fist.

"Oh really? You live on the Southside?" The other guys asks

"Yeah I do. With my dad and twin brother"

"What's your name." The girl asks

"Jones, Mariah Jones." I  tell them.

"Your FP's little girl! I'm Toni Topaz"

"Nice to meet you Toni."

"We've heard so much about you and your brother. Is he here?

 "Yeah he is. Jug! Come here I says as he walks up to us.

"What's up Mari?"

"They know dad." I say

"How?" Jug asks

"Your father is a legacy on the Southside." Toni says

"Dad, was a serpent?" I ask Jughead

"Yeah, do you not listen to his stories?" Jug ask

"He never tells me them Jug. He said it will when I'm older but never did." I explain.

"You should get him to take you to the Whyte Wyrm." Toni says

"Maybe." Jug says as he walks back to the table.

"So, does Mr. mean have a name?" I ask facing the boy once again

"Not one that you need to know" he says

"She's FP's kid be nice or he will do something about it." Toni tells him as he rolls his eyes

"He's name is Sweetpea but everyone calls him Sweets and this guy is Fang Fogarty But, he goes by..."

"Let me guess....Fangs?" I ask

"Yeah" Toni says as someone come barging into pop's....

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