The whole story of Reggie Mantel

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((Back to Mariah's POV))

As I walk into the police station Fred gives me a seat as he goes to ask for sheriff Keller before coming to take a seat beside me.

"He is in a meeting right now Mariah but he will be done shortly. Are you ok?"

"As ok as I can be"  I say as jug walks in.

"Mariah? Oh my god are you ok?" Jug asks pulling me into he's arms

"I'm ok Jug. Thanks to Sweets,Veronica, Kevin, Cheryl and the other serpents. I need talk to sheriff Keller as soon as possible"

"Sweet Pea told me what happened. I'm so happy your ok." He says holding back tears

"I'm ok Juggie. Hey I'm ok. Please don't cry." I say hugging my twin

"Don't tell me not to cry Mariah. I nearly lost you! When I got that call that you disappeared and assumed the worst."

"I'm sorry jug... Reggie he...he tried to do something to me so I fought back and ran till I lost him... if I didn't... I.."

"Hey breath you don't have to tell me of you don't want to. Look I'm going back outside Sweet Pea, Archie,Toni, Cheryl, Veronica, Kevin, Fangs, a bunch of other serpents are outside waiting for you and I highly doubt they are going to leave."

"That's ok. Thanks jug I'll be ok but you better get out there before Archie and Sweets tear each other apart limb from limb"

"Ok. Hey I love you."

"I love you too Jughead." I say getting up as sheriff Keller comes out of he's office

"Mariah you wanted to talk to me?" sheriff Keller asks

"Yeah." I say walking up to him. "I'm here to tell you the whole truth about Reggie."

"Ok Mariah why don't you come into my office. Fred can come too if you want." Sheriff Keller says

"No this is something I need to do on my own." I say going into the office and taking a seat across from sheriff Keller

"So Mariah what happened?"

"If I'm going to tell you what happened tonight you need to understand the whole story of my past with Reggie Mantel."

"So let's start at the beginning." Sheriff Keller says.

"At the beginning it's wasn't bad at all. We were happy. Having romantic date nights every Friday and night. At the beginning he was almost the perfect boyfriend. Reggie anger issues and a quick fire temper so when things don't go his way he got mad. And when he got mad... bad things happen."

"When was the first time her hurt Mariah?"

"It was after the first football game of the year. He fumbled the ball and lost the game. Everyone told him that's it's ok and that it wasn't he's fault but he was so mad at himself he got into he's own head and when he got to his own head he blamed me. The easiest way I can sum up my relationship with Reggie is that the good days were great and the bad were a living nightmare. I deserve better then him."

"What made you want to tell the truth about what he did after all this time. Don't get me wrong Mariah I am happy you are but you got to remember the outcome that can happen if he finds out you told the me."

"I'm not scared of him sheriff Keller. He has no hold on me anymore. I broke up with him, I'm changing schools, people are starting to see his true nature, and after what he tried to do tonight I only hope he gets what he deserves."

"What did he try to do Mariah?"

"He tried to rape me."

"Ok I will get some guys looking for him and you go home and rest but if he ends up coming to your house call it in. We don't need him hurting you more then he already has" Mr Keller says

"Ok mr Keller. Thank you."



"I'm proud of you I understand this wasn't easy for you to do and I know if your dad was here he would be proud to."

"Thank you mr Keller." I say leaving.

"Hey you ok Mariah?" Fred asks

"Yeah the cops know everything. Now let's head home. All I want t to do is take a shower and sleep." I say hugging my twin. "thanks everyone for making sure I'm ok.  It means a lot." I says as the serpents leave

"Let's get you home." Fangs says as I hop of sweets bike as he drives me home. As we drive I can't help
but let out a sigh happy that I finally got to tell my story about Reggie to the cops.

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