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As we drive back to the trailer park sweets takes a turn to Sweetwater river with Fangs, Toni and Jug following him

"Why are we going to Sweetwater river?"

"Because..." Sweets says as he parks his bike and hops off waiting for everyone else.

"Sweetpea, why are we here?" I ask as Toni, Fangs and Jug join us.

"You need to relax Mariah.Jug says as we all take a seat at on the grass.

"How the hell am I suppose to relax when our dad is a fucking cell."

"Stop I know your scared but, swearing won't do anything." Jug says

"Your right. Sorry Juggy."

"It's ok. We'll get through this."Jug says

"Just like we always do. Together and united." I say as Fangs hugs me.

"The serpents will help with anything you two need. Weather it's just getting you to school Monday or hiding a body. We protect our own. So, you'll have us."

"It's good to know that we're not alone." I say with a sigh as I rest my head on Fang's shoulder.

"And you never will be M. You have us." Toni says as Sweets glares and Fangs

"You know what makes me angrier about all of this? It's that it was a random person. It was a random person who accused dad of selling drugs. Why would anyone accused dad of that? Who would.....Oh my god..."

"What's wrong Princess?" Sweets asks

"What if it was Reggie getting back at me for meeting up with you at Pop's."

"Well if it was Reggie he is going to have his head kicked in." Sweets says.

"Would he go that far?" Jug asks

"I don't know Jug?"

"Well he was pretty angry when you sacked him." Toni says

"and Sweets did tell him that you and him were on a date." Fangs says

"I sacked him because he was choking Sweets. What else would I do?"

" you did the right thing." Jug says as I look over at Sweetpea

"You ok Sweets?"

"Yeah. I'm just wondering what will happen Monday when you go to to Northside high?"

"Hopefully nothing to bad." I say

"But if he tries anything you have Fangs and Toni's numbers. If you need anything text one of them and all three of us will be there . No matter what?" Sweets says


"Hey Mari. Should we tell Archie?"

"Yes. We should he's our friend he need to know what's going on. We should tell them in person though."

"Them?" Sweets asks

"Archie and Fred. Fred  like a second father to us. He's been there for us when dad couldn't be and he treats us as if we were his own kids."

"Ok. We'll take you there Princess." Sweets says as he helps me up as we hop onto his bike.

"Ok let's get going to Archie's." I say as Toni, Jugs and Fang hops on their bike as we drive to Archie's...

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