A fight with my boyfriend

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"Hey big bro."!I say with a smile as Jug walks up to us

"Hey little monster." Jug tease

"How was you classes?"

"They were good. How bout yours?"

"Mine are great we have s project about doing things outside our comfort zone and I'm doing the project with Betty"

"That's great I want you to get an A."

"I will try. The marking isn't up to me." I say as we reached Archie's locker

"Archie!!" I say happily as I hug him

"Mariah!!!!" Archie says as he hugs me back

"How were your classes bro that's not related to me by blood."

"They were good." He says with a smile as he lets me go

"Um... M, Reggie is coming this way and he doesn't look to happy." Veronica says as I turn around and come face to face with Reggie

"What are you doing with them?"

"Excuse me?"

"What are you doing with them?" He asks again

"We're getting ready to head out. Why? "


"To pop's Reg."

"Oh really then why did you hug Andrews?"

"Because he's like a brother to me." I explain calmly

"Oh really? So, first you ditch me at lunch, then you ignore me in class now you just hug guys?!?!"

"Reg your losing your cool. Calm down." I say

"No, I'm not going to calm down!" Reggie screams as I jump back into Jughead's arms

"Hey, back off my sister she didn't do anything wrong." Jughead says as he pushes me behind him as Reggie steps closer to me.

"He said back of Reggie!" Archie says as he and Jug push him back.

"Leave her alone!" Veronica and Betty say in sync

"Babe are you really going to let these losers talk to me like this?"

"Losers? There're not losers Reg. They're my friends."

"Oh I know Miss perfect and miss rich bitch is but what's Andrews your side Firend that you spend night with?" Reggie asks

"What?!? Do not call them that and are you accusing me of cheating in you?"

"While if the Shoe fits."

"Reg I have never and will never cheat on you. I love you."

"If you truly love me then you will choose me over these loser you call friends." Reggie shouts

"Reg they are not losers. You know what? I'm not going to stand here and fight with you. I have better things to do." I say as I starts to walk away

"Like what. Make out with Andrews?" Reggie asks


"Come on Mari, he's not worth you losing your voice. Let's get to Pop's." Jug says as he wrap his arm around my neck and leads me out the door.

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