all I want to say ▻ tom

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" this is all I have ever
wanted to say to you "

There wasn't a day that passed where you and Tom hadn't spoken to each other, even if it happened to be a simple greeting and goodbye. You two joked all the time, telling each other your secrets and the funniest things that happened during your long day. Being neighbors, you two grew close as soon as you found out that you both wanted to be actors. Then, you discovered that the two of you had joined the drama club in high school.

It's been three years since you both graduated, and you saw him around his childhood home from time-to-time. After all, he was a big star with amazing roles in movies. You still lived across the street, your parents not too far away. You and Tom still talked almost every day, but it was over the phone. His family invited you over across the street to their house every week, his brothers and parents plainly adoring you and the stories you had to tell.

This was one of those nights. They had invited you to dinner after noticing you coming home from work every day, practically dragging yourself out of your car. All five of them knew how much you and Tom missed each other, they started noticing when you first became friends. Insisting on helping Nikki clean up after dinner, the two of you cracked some jokes and talked random topics.

You heard their front door shut, but you shrugged it off, thinking that it was probably the twins and Paddy coming inside after playing some sports in the front yard. Hearing Nikki snicker, your eyebrows furrowed together, wondering what she was thinking about. However, you kept stacking and drying the dinner plates. A pair of warm and comforting arms wrapped around your waist, almost making you scream and drop the plate that was in your hand.

"Long time, no see, isn't that right y/n?" The familiar voice echoed through your ears, sending a smile to your face. You quickly turned around, finding that Tom was smiling back at you with the same glimmer in his eyes as the first time you met.

"You're here!" You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him and returning his hug. You hadn't noticed, but the rest of his family was watching you two reunite before they all scattered as soon as his mom told them to give the two of you some privacy. "I thought you were filming for two more weeks?"

He pulled back from your arms and held onto your hands, "we wrapped early and I had to come back as soon as possible to see you! I also had something to say that I couldn't particularly say over facetime."

"What is it?" Confusion flooded your emotions, wondering what was so important that he had to fly back to his home as soon as possible. His brown eyes sparkled as he stared into your y/e/c eyes. His smile that had once faded appeared again, he let out a little chuckle.

"This is all I have ever wanted to say to you," Tom breathed out, breaking your eye contact to look at your hands. "I have liked you for - forever, now. I thought you were simply adorable when we met, and I wanted to keep telling you how amazing and beautiful you are. I even had these daydreams about you and me together."

You smiled, your eyes turning soft as you watched Tom describe his feelings toward you. Truthfully, you had liked him since you met, too.

"I couldn't say the right words, and I ached for your embrace whenever you walked past my house on your way to school. Once I even climbed out onto the roof to try and get to you faster," He laughed again, this time, stepping a little closer to you. "I'm so madly in love with you, y/n. You have no idea."

"Took you long enough," You teased, bringing your hands to the side of his face. He placed his soft lips on yours, fairly enjoying living his daydream of kissing you. "I've been waiting for this to happen for about five years now."

"And now you won't have to wait any longer." He replied, pressing another kiss to your lips.

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