⠀⠀ ↳ interlude | p.p.

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➟ word count: 490➟ prompt: continuation of 'watch,' interlude-ish➟ warnings: angsty (?)

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word count: 490
prompt: continuation of 'watch,' interlude-ish
warnings: angsty (?)

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"HELL NO," Y/N exclaimed, her gaze fixated on the rollercoaster sitting on the heated pavement. "You are not dragging me on that-that thing!"

"C'mon y/n/n, it's just a short rollercoaster!" Liz pleaded, her body leaning against the cool, brick wall. The 5 teenagers had originally planned on the Friday being nice and cool, not scorching hot. And with the weather being such an ass, the lines proceeded to wrap around a few times. "Plus it's really hot and this walking is killing me."

Flash groaned, grabbing y/n's band and making his way towards the food. "If we're not doing something fun, let's do the next best thing."

From the corner of her eye, y/n could see MJ and Ned smile; they all had a soft spot for the delicacy of carnival food.

The five sat down, Flash volunteering to go get the food. Not even five minutes after he left, MJ abruptly stood up, exclaiming that y/n needed to help her with her heat-stricken hair. Y/n didn't have any time to refuse before MJ started to drag her to the bathrooms.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Liz questioned, turning extremely protective.

Ned shook his head and crossed his arms. Ever since they discovered Peter's little game he was playing with y/n, all of them quickly disapproved. As much as they didn't want to, they practically disowned him. It had only been a week, and they made sure y/n was okay without being too obvious. They tried to distract her and help her forget about Peter as best as they could.

"I came to see y/n," Peter admitted, his gaze falling to the ground. "To apologize."

Ned scoffed again. "Listen, Peter," he took a deep breath. "You're one of my closest friends, but you completely shattered y/n's heart. I'm sure you're the last person she wants to see."

Peter being disappointed was the understatement of the year. He was devastated, heartbroken, and gloomy, all wrapped in one. On one hand, he wanted to give y/n space and let her forget about him. On the other, he wanted to go up to her and express every apology known to man, in all the languages in the world.

He sadly nodded, making his way back to Cindy, Abe, and Charles. All three of them sympathetically smiled at Peter, happy that he was, at least, trying to make things right. In retrospect, they were trying to distract Peter too. Each of them agreed that what he did was wrong, but they didn't want him to isolate himself.

"I'm sorry, Peter," Liz called to him. She truly felt bad for Peter, but the pain he caused one of her friends was enough to send her into protection mode. "Maybe give her time, wait until she's no longer hurt."

[ author's note : ]

hey babes! finally got a chance to write a little bit! thank you sm for being patient with me lmao. I hope you have a good week! 💛

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