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"Percy...?" Annabeth sniffled, opening his bedroom door.

For the as long as anyone could remember, Annabeth's mom and Percy's mom had lived together. Even with a child each, at age 16, they lived in the same apartment.

Percy sat up in his bed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "Annabeth...?" He yawned, "What's wrong...?"

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

He visibly hesitated, but nodded and scooted over to make room under the covers. It wasn't the first time that Annabeth had snuck into Percy's room at night, so they'd gotten yelled at before, but they never stopped. Annabeth curled up beside him and rubbed her tear filled eyes. Percy frowned and laid back down, putting an arm around her shoulders. "What happened?"

"That jerk-wad. He told me I had to choose between him and you. Said I could either be your friend, or his girlfriend, but not both..." Annabeth put her head on his shoulder.

"What did you do?" He rubbed her arm, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I said that if I had to choose, then there wasn't much of a choice. You've been here my whole life. I've known him for 5 months. Not much of a competition." She didn't see it, but Percy smiled at the ceiling. "I'm not gonna choose a douchebag over my best friend."

"I never liked him anyways." Percy smirked and Annabeth giggled.

"You never like anyone who wants to date me."

"Because they're not right for you." He shrugged. "Guys, especially guys like myself, are assholes. I don't think any guy will be right for you in my mind."

Annabeth smiled and closed her eyes. After a while, dwelling on Percy's words, she sat up, looking down at him. "You know those pacts people make in movies? We should do one of those." He looked confused, which made Annabeth laugh as she laid back down, head on his shoulder again. She entwined their hands together and held their hands in the air, over their heads as she elaborated. "Like a 'if we're not married by a specific age we marry each other' kind of thing."

"Why?" He turned his head to watch her as she held his hand in hers, suspended in the air as a breeze blew in from the open bedroom window.

"Because... If you still don't think I've found the right guy by the time we're 25, I doubt there will be a right guy. Plus... I'd rather marry my best friend than someone who wants me to choose."

Percy smiled and looked back at their hands, as Annabeth looked at him. "So? How about it?"

"Let's do it. Because I would rather marry my best friend than marry someone who gets jealous of how much time I spend away from her." Annabeth laughed and dropped their hands onto the bed, laying her head back on his shoulder.

"Ya know. The only reason he said for me to choose was because he was jealous of you." Percy snorted.

"Why would he be jealous? I'm an idiot, I'm probably the most reckless person in the world, I'm a screw up-"

"Because you have a hot, genius best friend who would rather play video games with you, than go on a date with someone else." Annabeth grinned at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Mhmm. I will never get over the fact that you singlehandedly defeated me, and a team of six bots in call of duty." Annabeth laughed and closed her eyes. "In your first ever day of playing, too!"

She laughed more, until she was too tired to keep her eyes open, at about 3 in the morning. She rolled over and put her arms around Percy's waist, closing her eyes and snuggling close to the person who always made her feel better.

That Silly PactTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon