Azerbaijan GP: Friday Evening

706 43 3

*Noa's POV*

FP1 and FP2 were good, no crashes for Fernando. We've done our shooting and now I am totally free. I am on my way to have dinner in the hotel and after - bubble bath. Relaxing bubble bath.

I was sitting with Celine and Dylan. They were chatting, but my thoughts were far far away, with Fernando and McLAren. He was acting a little bit strange. I've read enough news and fans' experiences about meeting with him, but none of them had anything similar to my situation.

- Hey, Noa, planet is calling, over. - Celine waved her hands in front of my face.

- Ha? Im sorry, girls... I just... - I didn't finish, because in 3 tables there were Alonso and his team sitting and having dinner, him and 3 other members.

- What? - Dylan turned around and then slowly turned back to me. - Wow, he is stalking you!

- Stop it... - I smiled and looked at him again. He was looking at me.

- Oh God, he is looking at you. - Celine smiled. I think I blushed, my cheeks were burning.

*Fernando's POV*

I knew she would be there, thats why I am sitting at the table, even though I am not hungry at all. She was sitting with 2 friends. On ordinary days I would be interested in all of them, but right now I want just look at her and the way she blushes whenever I catch her eyes. I nodded to her as a greeting. She nodded back and smiled.

*Noa's POV*

- He likes you. - Dylan said, biting on another piece of cheese.

- Wha... Hah, yeah... Of course... He likes. - I looked down at my plate and started to play with my meat ball.

- He is leaving, he is leaving, FERNANDO! - Celine stood up and my heart dropped. What is she doing? Why? When? What?

- Yes? - he turned and smiled... To me.

- Can I take a photo? One my friend is a big fan of yours and asked me to...

- Of course. - he cut her.

*Fernando's POV*

Was she talking about Noa? I heard how Noa called her Celine. Beautiful woman indeed... But my attention was still on Noa and only Noa. After, another girl, Dylan, (I know her) asked for the picture as well. Noa didn't look at me at all. Was she jealous?

- Noa? - I called for her. - Would you like a picture?

She smiled.

*Noa's POV*

- Noa? - he called me. - Would you like a picture?

I wanted. Badly. But... For some reasons I wanted to check his reaction.

- No, thanks. I am good. - I smiled. His grin, though, disappeared.

- Ah... Uhm... Okay, then. I will go. - he stuttered.

- Okay. Goodnight. - I smiled. He smiled back and winked. Bitch, he got me there...

*Fernando's POV*

Now she wants to play? I am in then, Noa.

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