Alonso, you ass!

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***Noa's POV***

Despite the fact that Fernando had a house here in Spain, he decided to stay in the hotel, I don't know why though, but to be honest - I was happy. I always had that little dream to stay in a hotel that belongs to me and only me. We had dinner and talked a little, a little because Fernando was pretty tired, as Nico didn't let us go and forced Fernando to write a script for their podcast and video.

- If you need anything you can come even in the middle of the night or call me, I mean my phone is near me and uhm, my room number is...

- Its okay, I will watch an episode of my TV series and go to sleep. - I smiled. Spaniard nodded and smiled back at me, moving to the door.

- Good. Then good night, corazon. - he said with a spanish accent that caused me to freeze for a second. Did... Did he just call me 'corazon'?

- Yeah... Uhm... Good night.... Fernando. - I guess he was waiting for something more, but I really don't want to rush. Not now. Not yet.

Taking a comfortable position in my king size bed, I put on my episode of Korean drama and started to watch. It gave me such romantic vibes... I was imagining the whole situation but with Fernando. Suddenly I felt the vibration of my phone, thinking that probably its from Fernando.

- Hello, Noa! hope I did not wake you up, did I? :)

Nico Rosberg. I hesitated for a moment... Should I even answer? Its 1:24 AM, I can pretend that I am sleeping already... Yep, that what Im going to do exactly. Putting my iPhone away, I came back to the laptop, noticing some news, that were popping from the right side of the screen, twitter news.

- BREAKING! Fernando Alonso's last season!


- Fernando Alonso confirmed that 2018 season is the last of his F1 career...

What the hell is happening? Leaving? He... He is leaving F1? WHAT?! I started to read every related article and it was true - Alonso is leaving Formula 1. He is leaving McLaren. He is leaving ME!!!

- FERNANDO! - I screamed and jumped from my bed, pulling over my hoodie and rushed from my hotel room to his. Only one room was separating us and I didn't give a damn about night. I banged on his door and heard him running.

- QUE? QUE? VENGO! (what? what? Im coming!) Oh, Noa, something ha...

I did not let him finish the sentence as I entered the room and slammed the door close behind me. I saw a newspaper laying on the coffee table. Slowly taking and rolling it into the tube I came back to frozen Alonso, who was standing in long grey pijama pants and white t-shirt. Coming closer, I smiled. He did the same, but the next action forced the driver to stop. I started to slap him with this rolled newspaper.



I felt how everything inside me was boiling inside of me, I wanted to kill him! I was left behind before, but this... I took it right too close and I wan't to beat this stupid idea out of Fernando Alonso. He can't do that to me.

- NOA, STOP! - he caught my hands in his and pressed me to the wall, holding tightly my hands, blocking my any possibility to move. I was fighting, I tried to, at least, but of course he was much stronger. Finally, I gave up and newspaper fell to the floor from my right hand. I looked down and started to sob quietly, while Fernando was still holding my hands, but not so strong now.

- How... Could you... - I managed to say.

- What? I don't understa...

- YOU ARE LEAVING FORMULA 1!- I looked up at him, with tears running down my cheeks. At this moment I could look like a drama queen but only God knows how much this spaniard means to me and how I care. - Why?

He was shocked, as I saw. Fernando didn't say anything, he put down our arms and moved himself a little closer to me, trying to calm me down.

- Noa, you know thats a right decision.


- You still have the sport! You have other drivers and you have F1 in total!

- You are my F1, Fernando! You! - another wave of emotions swallowed me and I sobbed louder than before, closing my eyes. This time, Fernando embraced me in a hug, still holding me at some point, as I was fighting him at first. But then I gave up and relaxed, I relaxed my body on his and buried my crying self into his chest and his white t-shirt. I felt how his hand was stroking my hair, how his breathing was tickling my neck and chin rested on my shoulder. I didn't care about anything right now, but him. His happiness, his future, his career - him.

- Im sorry. - he whispered in my ear and I gasped. Even his whisper can drive me crazy, but I probably was just emotional and on the edge. I didn't say anything, so he continued. - I wasn't expecting this reaction from you, but ... It was the best decision for now, Noa. You know that, corazon, right?

  Again. He's done it again. I looked into his eyes but still didn't say anything. He was looking at my face, his eyes traveling from my eyes to my cheeks, then to my lips, then again to my eyes. With his finger, he wiped away the tear, that was going down and smiled a little, taking me by the hand gently and leading to the little fridge. Fernando gave me a glass of water and sat next to me on the bed.

- You want to discuss it?- he asked. I shook my head. He was right, its the best decision for now, and I clearly understand it. But thinking about new F1 season without him made me want to cry again, so I looked away, taking a deep breathe. With one move, he took me by the chin and turned my face back to him. - Don't look away now, Noa. I want to listen to you, I can't sleep knowing you are sad.

- I need just time to overthink it and accept. You know how much you mean to me as a driver and F1 hero, its just... I wasn't ready, thats all. Im sorry for rushing into your room like this and... For beating you as well.

He laughed and squeezed my hand.

- Lets come back to this tomorrow, okay? - I nodded and turned to the door. He went after me.

- Good night, again. - I said, not looking at him. When I was about to leave, he caught my hand. I turned around and slowly lifted my eyes to his face.

- Good night. Corazon.


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Okaaaay, that was a looong time ago since I updated it! Thanks to my friend who was rushing me to write another chapter🤣 So, Noa is totally me okay? I would slap that spanish ass with newspaper! Duh........ Anyway, its 12:52 AM and im off to sleep BYE Xxx

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