Grand Prix that never happened

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*** Noa's POV ***

- Hey, I'm packing right now.
- WHAT?! - Elsa closed the door and sat on my luggage. - Where do you think you are going?
- As far as possible from here.
- Should I call Nico?
- I already told him that. He wanted to fly with me but I reminded him about his family. I am done here, El... I am so done, I... I don't know! - I sat on the floor and hid my face into knees. Small sobs were coming out no matter how hard I tried to handle them. Elsa sat down next to me and gave me a tight hug. She didn't say anything.

*** Fernando's POV ***

- I don't care, mate, I'll call later! - Right after qualification session I came to the hotel Noa was staying in. The guy on receptionist already knew me but today he didn't meet me with a usual smile as he did before.

- Hello, uhm, can you call Noa? Tell her I am waiting here.
- I am sorry but she left an hour ago.
- L-left where?
- To the airport, sir.
- Airport? Oh, no.

I rushed out of the hotel and tried to catch a taxi cause my car was parked too far away from here and I don't have any extra second to lose.

- Where are you going? - Rosberg asked. I turned around to see him... emotionless?
- None of your business.
- Airport, right? I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- What did she say to you?
- Nothing. She didn't even have any power to say a bas word about you. And what are you doing? A baby!
- Its not MY baby! She is manipulating me!
- Ah, she is great in that. Don't chase Noa. Let her alone, you've done enough.
- You know nothing! You are not a fighter and never were! I will not follow your steps. - I sat in the taxi and asked the drive to go as fast as possible and not worry about the fees. Plus, police of Monaco loves me.

We came to the airport in 20 minutes. I rushed to the information desk to catch Noa.

*** Noa's POV ***

- Are you sure you don't want me to go? - Elsa hugged me.
- You are having a date with Lewis. I will be okay. Don't worry.

  I looked at Monaco for the last time and stepped into the plane salon. I hoped that Fernando would stop me. Maybe I could even stay... but he didn't come.

*** Fernando's POV ***

- I am sorry, but the plane took off 10 minutes ago, - the lady said in a sad tone. - I am sorry. But she left a note for you.

  I sat in front of the big window that was looking at planes taking off and landing here. Sunset almost started.

- Dear Fernando,

Thank you for showing me racing life from the angle I never dreamed about. Thank you for spending time with me. I actually believed that I am special for you and I really hate myself for that. I guess that weak spot my heart has for you will exist forever, ha ha.

I wish you happiness because you deserve it. You are a fighter, right? But please, don't be it this time. I've been hurt enough.

Your Noa.

Thank you, Michelle, for bringing me back to this! I missed Fernando so much! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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