Fernando: Its over.

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    3 days passed by quickly. I am already in Belgium, ready for WEC. Scrolling my Instagram up and down, I entered the hashtag #AzerbaijanGP. I saw a very beautiful photo of McLaren garage. 


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(P.S. I took this photo during Azerbaijan GP :3 )

- Me gusto. - I opened the profile and... How surprised I was to discover to whom this account belongs? 

- Noa? - I even said it out loud. I started to open all of the photos and... stalking. Wow, thats the life of a famous F1 driver, my friends. And then I discovered something that gave me some kind of an emotional slap. It was a collage of 4 pictures... Noa was standing next to me since: 2 photos from 2016, 1 from 2017 and the new from 2018. (P.S. I really have this collage on my Imstagram profile, you can check if you want, my insta name is "la_funo" ). It means that I have met her 2 years ago, thats why her face was so similar. 

  I scrolled down to 2016 year and found the first picture. The text, that she wrote, was very touching. She really was standing for 2 hours in the queue to see me? I scrolled down. But then my phone started to ring.

- Linda. Hi - I answered. 

- Hey! I wanted to surprise you, but decided to say in advance... I am flying to you! 

- What? 

- Yes! I heard that a lot of celebrities will attend the race and... Why not? So I have a plane in 2 hours, so if you can pick...

- Listen. I... Don't think that you should come. 

- Im sorry... What? 

It wasn't a phone conversation, but for the first time of our relationship I felt the need to stop everything. I don't want her near me anymore. 

- I want to break up.  

She didn't say anything for a while. So I continued. 

- Its over, Linda. Why to act dramatic? None of us were planing anything serious, right? 

- Of course not! - she said. - But you can't do it like this. - her voice was cold and rough. - I will attend Spanish Grand Prix, and only after that you will do it. I don't want anyone to start that fan drama shit. 

- Fan drama?

- Don't act like a fool, I saw pictures of you and that girl from Azerbaijan. I am not blind, but I won't let you to show the world that some fan is better than me, you got my point? 

- Don't talk to me like a mother or wife, I can act as I want wherever and whenever I want. Oh, and you know what? She is much better. 

Linda pressed the button and ended the call. 

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