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***Nico Rosberg's POV***

  Somehow there wasn't a single free room in the hotel, where Fernando and Noa were staying. Of course I didn't believe that it was just a coincidence, Fernando did his job here. He is protecting her too good... But he doesn't know how good I can be when I want something.

  I didn't unpack my stuff as tomorrow I would leave Spain anyway, right after the race and sadly next time I will meet Noa, probably, in Abu-Dhabi. Ah... Something makes me curious and weak about that girl and I don't know what exactly. Eyes? Smile? Dimples? The way she hides her face when she laughs?

  Writing another tweet, I noticed a lot of notifications coming, people are going crazy! Even my phone started to work slower.

- Fernando Alonso is leaving Formula 1!
- 2019 without Alonso
- Fernando Alonso finishing his F1 career!

  For a moment I didn't move, still trying to take the news not sarcastically, but serious. However, my thought flew far away to Noa and roads, that are open for me as Alonso is out of my way very soon. I closed my laptop and texted Noa. She is probably sleeping, as she didn't reply to my first message, but I want to write something now as her idol shared this news.

- Hey, you saw the news? Are you okay?

How surprised I was when reply followed immediately.

- Hey, Nico. To be honest, I am not okay. I feel sad.

- I can imagine. - I wanted to add "darling", but its too soon to use words like this, I don't want to scare her away. - Wanna meet up?

- Yes.

I wasn't ready for that at all, but in a few seconds I was in my jacket and holding car keys.

- I'll pick you up in 10 minutes.

Im holding my tears because of this spanish ass, I swear to God.... He is posting his damn photos on Instagram NOT THINKING ABOUT ME SITTING HERE AND REALIZING THAT I WONT SEE HIM ANYMORE! Ugh... You know, guys, I would like to date Fernando. Now because he is an F1 driver, but because he was giving me butterflies when I saw him in Baku since 2016. It wanst a fangirling, I fangirled when I saw Hulkenberg, but near Fernando I was forgetting how  to talk, communicate. During these 3 years I didnt even say my name to him... But who cares now, haha.

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