Italian Revenge

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***Fernando's POV***

  I felt strange right from the moment I stepped into the paddock - all those F1 fans were staring at me, not with 'love' look but full of doubts. Noa wasn't around anywhere and I thought that probably she is still sleeping. Yesterday Noa was upset because of something, she even rejected my invitation for dinner... Our 'relationship' was weird for the last couple of weeks, all because of Rosberg, I am trying to work it out, I really do, however, it's harder to manage things when you don't get the help from another side. 

- Hey mate! - Mark Webber approached me from behind and gave a light tap on the left shoulder. - Feeling good? You must be pretty happy, my congratulations, man! - I stopped and looked at Aussie. 

- What are you talking about? 

- Come on, I heard the news from Linda. If you wanted to keep it as a secret, you have to talk it off with your half first. - Webber laughed and gave me a tight hug. - You never told me about being ready though, it was... a good surprise, really. 

- Okay, Mark, I really have NO idea what's happening here. - Mark raised an eyebrow and took out the phone from his pocket. After a few seconds, he handed it to me. 

- Que?! 

@lalinda My belly is growing🥰👶🏻  Me and @fernandoalo_oficial  are so happy to share this important day with all of you! Stay healthy!

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@lalinda My belly is growing🥰👶🏻  Me and @fernandoalo_oficial  are so happy to share this important day with all of you! Stay healthy!

  I was looking at the post and feel cold. Cold in hot Spain, when people were walking around in t-shirts and drinking cold water. This can't be real, she can't be pregnant, this can't be my baby.

- You okay, mate? I know this is an important step, I am proud of you. - I didn't hear Mark anymore, all I could think about was that caption and the photo. She did it on purpose. 
  I left Webber alone and ran to my hotel room where I can talk to her without any ears and eyes around. Keep calm, Fernando, just keep calm... Even if its real you should not make her nervous or angry, she is pregnant... maybe even with your... 

- NO! - I screamed and shut the door loudly. My hands covered my head and squeezed the hair, I am desperate. What if Noa will see this? - Noa! - I tried to call her, but she didn't reply. Has she seen it already? 

***Noa's POV*** 

  I can't believe it. My morning was supposed to start with the gym not this news about Linda, Fernando's ex, being pregnant with HIS baby! And the fact that they are happy to announce it... I didn't have any sorrow or tears, I was angry, angry and extremely jealous that this woman is taking away the love of my life, despite the fact that we are not dating or something, I am just helping McLaren with Social Media. 

- Elsa... Am I that stupid that he thought he can mess with me? - Elsa was sitting on a bed, while I was laying down looking at the ceiling and thinking about what to do now. Should I leave? No, I work for McLaren. Should I stay? I can't see him now. 

- No, babe, but I just can't believe he did this to you. You should talk to him.

- No. I can't do that. 

- Why not? 

- Because I love him and don't want to hear this caption from his lips.

***Fernando's POV***

  Noa probably saw the post and doesn't want to see me anymore... I deserve this. This is the last thing she can do - ignore me. I want to find her and tell that I am sorry, that I don't want to be a dad of Linda's baby and the only person I want in life is Noa. Noa... This name sounds like the universe to me, but now Linda is destroying it, she destroys everything... As I did to Rosberg, probably. I am calling Linda. 

Linda: Well hello there, daddy! 

Fernando: Shut... Ghm. Stop it, Linda, what do you think you
are doing now?

Linda: Me? Uhm... Telling the world the truth?  

Fernando: Now tell me the REAL truth. I don't care who is the father,
I want to know what do you want? 

Linda: You. 

Fernando: What?

Linda: I. Want. You. And this baby is yours if you don't believe me check the email that I sent you, with the documents proving that. Your little fairytale is over, Alonso. I am done seeing you and that girl all over social media, I am losing followers and there is a lack of sponsors for me. So you better get your shit together if you don't want to gain the reputation of an asshole who left his pregnant girlfrined for the one who is younger by 16 years. Believe, I will do anything needed to get you back or at least ruing life of that bitch. If you care, be a good boy. 

  She ended the call. I couldn't take the phone away or even move, I don't know what to do. I don't know whom to tell the situation. I don't know anything. 
  Linda said that she sent me the documents, so I opened my laptop to check it, hoping that she lied, that there was a mistake and the test says nothing about me but... Linda said the truth - I am the father of the baby, and I don't know what to do now. 


Long time no see, guys! NOTE: Linda's photo is photoshopped by me, she is not pregnant (thank God). 

Elsa is a character based on my fav Lewilca Xx

Hope you liked the chapter! 

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