Choose, Noa!

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***Fernando's POV***

I am done with Rosberg and all the things he does to piss me off. He does it great and it works, I am ready to kick his...

- Fernando!

Noa was standing in front of me, probably asking why I am not in the mood, I wasn't really listening. This time I am taking some steps to prevent that German... steal what is MINE.

- Sorry, amor, what were you saying?- I smiled.


  We were about to fly to our next country - Monaco. The fact that it was a place of Rosberg... But one thing I knew for sure - it's a good time to remind him about his priorities in life. Despite the fact that I don't have to do anything with their relationship, as Noa is not even my girlfriend yet, but I do what I have to.

- Hello! Welcome! - I visited the best ice cream shop in Monaco that belongs to Vivian, Rosberg's wife. If that asshole is about to cheat, she should know.

- Hi. Is Vivian here? I am a good friend.

  Young man, maybe he was in his 20s, picked up a number and after a few minutes, Vivian was coming downstairs.

- Fernando!- she smiled and moved to me with a hug. - Long time no see! How are you doing? You probably came for Nico, but he is not here, I guess he is having some shootings.

Or does he?....

- No, I came exactly to you. I have something to tell you, just for information.

  We took a seat outside. Sunny weather was my favorite thing about Monaco, sadly it doesn't cheer me up lately.

- Did something happen? - Mrs. Rosberg asked me. I nodded.

- Your husband happened.

- What do you mean?

- He is trying to steal my gi... my friend. Girl-friend.

  She narrowed her eyes and put away the glass of iced coffee. I told her everything, without any dramatic pauses or additional fantasies. What he did was pretty enough for her.

- Thanks, Fernando. Thank you for letting me know.

***Noa's POV***

  I woke up because of my alarm that I set at 8. My idea was to make shootings of the paddock for McLaren social media and morning is the perfect time to avoid people. Making my way to the hotel's cantine, I set my breakfast, as usual - eggs, fruits and apple juice with ice.

- If I remember you had a sore throat yesterday, lady. 

Nico took a seat next to me with his own 'breakfast' tray with porridge, apple, and water with lemon.

- And I thought that ex-Formula 1 drivers don't care about diets. - I giggled and pointed at his plate. Nico grinned and took a bite of the apple.

- I still want to look good, dear.

- Sure... But did you ever think about comin... - this sentence never was finished. Behind Rosberg I saw a silhouette, a really familiar one. - No way.

- What?- he turned around. - Do you know her?

I stood up without saying anything and rushed towards to canteen entrance.

- NO WAY, SHUT UP! - I literally jumped on my old good friend. - SHUT UP!

- Hey, I am happy to see you as well! - she laughed. While we were looking like a dramatic scene from a random love movie, Nico approached us with confused look on his face. - Nico! I know you. - she smiled. - I am Angel.

Angel and I met during F1 job in Azerbaijan and we had some really amazing memories, especially with one driver... another Nico... As I knew, for now she was traveling around the world, as she always wanted, but I never expected to see her here!

- You could at least text me! I would pick you up from the airport! - I was still hugging her.

- Thats why I didn't want to do so. Plus, I saw your stories and got the hotel. And as it is a lunch time, I knew you would be here.

- Thank you, you know me well... Nico, are you okay?

He was texting someone or something, but he looked annoyed and... maybe even worried, I couldn't tell for sure. He only nodded and then sighed loudly.

- I have to leave, but I remember about our movie. I'll give you a call. - he smiled and left. Angel slapped me on the hand.

- OUCH! What was that for?!

- YOU HAVE FERNANDO! Why do you need him?!

- Of course, you prefer another Nico!

She was about to slap me again, but I took a step back. Her old habits...

- Seriously, its just a movie! Don't be paranoid. And hey! One more slap and you won't know that your Calvin Klein is coming to support Daniel Ricciardo...

- Calvin Klein? Should I care?

- Uhm... Calvin Harris?

- Still no.

- Damn, what was the name of superman.


- Yeah that guy... Exactly.

While Angel was having a minute of fangirling, I received a message from Nico.

- Sorry, Noa. I won't be able to watch the movie today.

- Are you okay?

- Yes, sure. Just need to sort out some things. Don't worry and have fun :) Xx

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