4. Midnight Swimming

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          I blink slowly, my body still trying to sleep. Outside is a brilliant sunset, the sky glowing with a splash of orange and red. My back hurt from cramping into the backseat for hours. It was impossible to get comfortable in this car, and it took me almost an hour to get into a semi-comfortable sleeping position.

          I had been awake for the majority of the ride, but finally had enough of the boring silence. Darius had took the Polaroid from me and shoved it into the glove compartment. He said I was a distraction, and that ticked me off-- but I didn't say anything. I didn't need another freaky incident with him in my face and caressing my neck like a vampire.

          Stretching my shoulders, I sit up and look out the window. Palm tress lined the side of the road as Darius pulled the car through an exit.

          I finally spoke for the first time in hours. "Are we in Texas?"

          "Yes, there's a Motel 6 we can stay in for the night." Darius says, raising his eyebrows. I gag a little in my mouth. Motel 6 wasn't the most pleasant place to stay in for the night, unless you liked listening to a couple next door getting it on or someone on the floor above you cranking their radio to full blast.

          "Sounds pleasant." I humor, tugging my sweater a little tighter over my body. Hopefully it wasn't too cold outside.

          Without answering me, Darius pulls into a side street. Already I knew we were in a bad town as my eyes scanned over the run down apartments and the littered streets. A gang of guys walked past our car, smirking at me. I felt myself lower into my seat a little, my gut churning. I did not like this.

           He finally makes a turn left, a small sign a block away indicating a Motel 6. I sigh and grab my bag of clothes off the floor, eager to get out of the car that's been holding me in for hours. We pull into the parking lot, and I'm the first one to get out.

          I almost get the urge to kiss the asphalt, but decide against it. I'd probably get herpes or something. So instead, I make a big gesture of stretching and make a huge yawn.

          Darius pulls his suitcase out of the back, and holds it on his shoulder-- eying me weirdly.

          "What?" I say, getting up from my stretches. He continues to stare, but a smirk creeps up to his face.

          "Nothing, you're just strange." He says, and turns to enter the motel.

           I puff out my cheeks. "That was nice of you," I remark, following him with my giant bag at my calves.

           "Anytime." Darius answers, entering the motel. I walk in, immediately cringing at the moldy smell of the place.

          If he stole money from the government, couldn't he find us somewhere else to go? A Holiday Inn would be nice.

           An older man sits at the desk, his eyes hovering over a bright computer screen. He looks up as we draw closer, and gives us a gentle smile. His eyes immediately drift to me, and he shamelessly looks me over. I fold arms over my chest, suddenly feeling self-conscious. What was this old creeper think he was doing? G-r-o-s-s.

          Darius' smile loosened, his eyebrows pulling in. His expression changed from semi-friendly to I'll-snap-your-little-neck-if-you-don't-pull-your-old-little-eyes-over-here.

          I felts blush rush to my cheeks as I realized he was doing that because of how the old guy was looking at me.

          "We need a room." Darius says, his voice deep. I shiver, and take a step closer to him, hiding behind his shoulder.

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