2. Underwear Probs

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          Something prods my shoulder, making my eyes flutter open. I immediately flinch back- gray eyes way to close to my face. My heart falls into the pit of my stomach as I realize that this was all real.

          "Hey," Darius says calmly, not moving from where his face was. "we're here."

          I gaze up and out the dash window, my eyes finding a horribly small motel.

          "Where are we?" I ask in a voice just above a whisper.

          "We, button, are in Texas, it's three in the morning." He says, a smile managing to cross over his face. "We need to stop to rest."

          I shrink back into the soft car seat, slowly taking it in. My fingers find themselves to my temple, where I rub my forehead subconsciously. The headache has barely begun.

          "Listen." He says, making me jolt my eyes open.

          Darius' eyes bore into mine- making me almost believe he was staring right through me. "You will not say anything, got it? Or your chance to ever go home will be zero percent." His serious expression makes my heart pound. "You still have a chance to go back after I can clear you.. But for now, you better be quiet and follow my lead like a good girl, yes?"

          I nod quickly- warmth filling my chest at his words of hope. If I could go home after a few days of this.. I would do anything.

          "Yes?" He growls.

          "Y-Yes!" I breathe, unbuckling myself from the seat.

          Darius gazes at me for a few more seconds- which seemed like hours before finally sighing and pulling himself out of the car.

          Moist air fills my lungs as I step out sleepily. My feet drag along the wet ground from earlier rain and towards the motel while Darius grabs a suitcase from the trunk. He must always be traveling and it didn't seem like he had an exact location for a home. I had spotted coffee mugs and pillows along the back seats, obviously he was sleeping even in his car. But where did he get the money? The question pondered in my head until I stepped inside the motel with Darius- an immediate smell hitting my nose. It was horrid, and smelled like I cleaned bathrooms used by elephants.

          A small woman sat at the front desk- a little too much lipstick smeared across her full lips. Her blonde hair was swept back in a clean bun- not a similar dressing style for this dirty place and it's unidentified fungus growth on the walls. I felt bile rise in my throat, but shoved it down quickly with a gulp.

          Her eyes lit up the moment she caught Darius' eyes. "Hello," She beamed, not even looking at me. Darius smiled at her with one of his stupid seductive looks.

          "Hello, miss." He said darkly- which made me grimace. "We need a room for tonight, but I'm running low on cash.. Can ten be good?"

           I rolled my eyes as I heard her gasp a little and turned my head away.

          "Why, of course." She frowned as she glanced my way. "Ten is fine for a night."

          "One queen, please." He said.

          I gaped my mouth and started to speak when he flashed me a dark glance. That shut me up fast as I remembered the conversation in the car beforehand.

          "Thank you," Darius handed her a crinkled ten in exchanged for a key.

          He winked at her before grabbing my arm and dragging me to the stairs. I felt her eyes boring into my back, making me shiver slightly. We were on the second floor, which was the top floor anyway. Our room was at least somewhat clean, and gave off a flowery scent as we walked in. The red wallpaper was slowly tearing along the sides, along with the cheap carpet beneath us.

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