30. Black Coffee

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hope yall like the new cover<3 I'm very ocd about things and after awhile I get bored of old covers, but this one should be sticking around for awhile!(:

100k by May? <3


It didn't take a very long time for me to find the coffee machine outside in the lobby, behind a glass framed wall by the restrooms. Sy liked black coffee with very little whip on the top, so I opened the top and popped in the ugly black cup to make it. Simple enough.

It started it's brew, and the scent of it coffee filled my nose as it began to pour from the top. I never really fancied coffee, honestly. I never developed a taste for it, like my sister had when she was my age.

My sister. Oh God, I never thought I would be saying this but I honestly missed her terribly. Usually we always got into fights every ten seconds, but we always made up afterwards. After all, we had to be close to avoid our abusive father. He was always private about everything. Where he went, where he worked. He always was complaining to my mother if she dared to ask him anything about his life outside of the house.

That's what started the abuse, when we were barely crawling. He had lost it, and drown in sadness, but when he slapped my sister or me there was a black, soulless passion that lit up in his eyes and kept him going. And after he lost his job, whatever it was, he locked himself in his study for hours upon hours for days until he moved to the bedroom at night or went to the bathroom. Sometimes he wouldn't come out for days, and mother brought him everything he needed. And when he did come out, he was always bickering and screaming at all of us. I don't know why my mother stayed, she didn't even protect us from him anyways.

That's why we moved as quickly as we could after Hayley had turned twenty-one, so we could flee to a safer environment and start something new in our life.

And yet here I was, somehow living with my own kidnapper and making nasty coffee for a sexy Italian meatball. Seems legit.

Sighing, the coffee finally makes it's last brew and I pull it out of the circular plate it was sitting on. Taking a bottle of whip, I gently spray little on the top, and make my way back to Sy's boring office.

The lady at the desk looked up from her computer as I walked by and gave me a polite smile.

"Enjoying his company?" She asks, her smile widening as she sees me groan dramatically.

"Yep. He's peachy."

She laughs and I continue on, making my way to the fancy doors that led into his office.

"Black coffee, little whip." I say with a tight smile on my face. Sy watches me enter with preying eyes and folds his arms across his desk. A devilish smirk appears on his symmetrical face.

"Thank you, Ms. Evans." I hand him the coffee and feel his hand wrap over mine, taking the cup slowly. I let out a shaky breath and try to stay composed with little emotion. But it was hard not to squirm under his haunting, icy gaze.

I felt like he was staring right through my lies, but he finally looked away when he set the coffee down on the table and gestured to the seat I was sitting minutes ago.

"Now take a seat again, Ms. Evans. I would like to discuss something with you." Sy leaned back in his chair and brought his long legs up and over the desk, placing them continently on the polished wood.

I sank down into the seat with unease, and folded my arms over my lap. I wasn't about to get comfortable here. My heart thumped rapidly in my chest, and unease settled painfully in my gut. Being alone with this powerful, lying man did not sit well with me. If only Darius was here... Would he protect me?

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