40. The Horrible Truth

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lots of secrets spilled in this chapter! be sure to give it a vote!!<3


I picked up the phone with a shaky hand, my heart pounding against my chest. I was actually going to talk to my sister, to hear her sweet voice again. Dialing her number by heart, I bite my lip and wait as the ring buzzes in my ear.

It picks up on the fifth ring.

"Hello?" I hear her voice, not quite as joyful as she would've answered it before.

I was already sobbing by the time I spoke. "Hayley?"

I hear her gasp on the other line.

"Lena?! Where are you, oh my god..." I hear her shouting to someone through the phone. She comes back after a minute. "Lena, it's been terrible... They watch us like hawks, I've missed you so much. Please come back to us. We know you haven't done anything wrong. They've reported you as missing, kidnapped. Lena you are innocent. They won't arrest you if you come back, so please come back to us!"

I bit my lip until I tasted blood. "Hayley, I can't... Not yet."

"Why?! Why can't you come back? Why did that man take you, Lena?"

I couldn't talk to her a minute longer, or I would change my mind. I missed her so terribly. "I have to go... I promise I'll come back, soon. Promise." I whisper, tears falling freely from my eyes. I start to put down the phone when she yells.

"Lena-- wait!"

A pause.

"He... Keenan... We haven't seen him since you went missing. Have you happened to see him, or know where he is?"

"Keenan... Is missing too?" I whisper, barely audible over the phone.

"Yes, and we knew he was with you... I just wanted to know if he's with you, or has he disappeared?"

"I haven't seen him since what happened." I say, feeling my heartbeat accelerate. "Did you put out a missing person? Does his family know?"

"No, we thought he was with you..." Hayley paused, probably to take everything in, and came back to the phone. "Oh shit, Lena. This is bad."

And she hung up.


"Is there anything else you need, Mr. Woods?" I ask, placing his coffee next to him on his desk. He didn't look up from his feverish typing, and shook his head. His stupid dark hair was slicked back to a point, not a hair out of place and his stupid suit placed just right over his no-wrinkles-in-sight white under shirt.

Taking that as a no, I excuse myself to the restroom just outside his office. Opening one of the stalls, I place a toilet seat cover of the top and sit down, putting my head between my hands.

Just yesterday, just over twelve hours ago, Darius confessed something I would've never thought he could possible confess. And it was on my birthday, which meant today, I was nineteen.

Which also meant confessing everything and considering the negative effects to it would be even harder now. What if everything went wrong? What if Sy is holding Keenan captive to get me to bail out in helping Darius?

I wipe the little sweat I had on my forehead off with a small square of toilet paper and flush the seat cover, standing back up. I leave the restroom and gather my wits, my strengths and everything else I would need today to survive. It was go time, whether or whether not I wanted it to be.

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