26 - Souls

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"We should get back down there..." Eden muttered snuggling into Lucifer.

"I don't want to love." He responded.

They had spent most of the night making love to each other and experimenting with their new profound grace. Eden had told her soulmate about Chuck returning, she had cried with relief about having Lucifer back and she hugged him earnestly knowing that he was know hers for the rest of time.

Though time was merely a breath to the two celestial beings, they vowed they would live everyday like their last, promising to make up for the lifetime that they spent trapped away. Love is an evolving feeling, you need to work it through your last moments. Though the first spark of sheer love is exciting and energising, if that feeling isn't exercised itself, the flame will die and hearts will break.

This was a lesson Eden's mother had taught her father, she was the true ambassador of love; for surely there is no greater act of love than to sacrifice yourself so that you may give the creator of the universe his own daughter. She died giving birth to Eden, and in doing so, she did it with joy.

Eden struggled to understand why she didn't mind, but now looking into Lucifer's eyes, her mate's, she understood it all too well.

"There's always going to be chaos down there, I just don't want to interrupt our first night together by seeing Chuck or Amara."

"I agree..." Eden smiled trailing her hand down his chest. "This is so weird."

"What is?"

"Being together like this after knowing each other since the beginning of time." She admitted.

"It is indeed very perplexing, but after everything... Its nice to be relaxed and happy." He smiled.

"Are you happy, Lucifer?" She asked genuinely.

Lucifer frowned and sat up, "Why wouldn't I be, sweetheart?"

"I just mean with everything going on. Amara, Michael, Father and now us. Is it not a little overwhelming?"

"My darling, my gorgeous soulmate - you wipe out every other issue that's going on. You are the only person I care about."

"I wish I could say the same, Luce. But everything going on there is overwhelming me - I'm just glad you're here now, I was loosing the will to live without you."

Lucifer cupped her cheeks staring into those gorgeous shinny caramel seas of hers. The same stunning orbs that he fell for.

"Ed, I'm so sorry I never told you where I was. I made you suffer and I'm so so sorry." He apologised.

"It's okay Luce, I didn't suffer as much as you did." She sighed nuzzling her nose against his.

"Your weight loss says differently." He said softly.

"I struggled to eat. I didn't really notice the weight pouring off me." Eden frowned.

"Well we'll get through it together darling, as mates." He assured with a smile.

The sound of that sweet word made her smile. With her hands having minds of their own, she slipped her fingers into his soft hair and pressed her lips to his soaking in his warmth and comfort. Lucifer chuckled at her eagerness as he rolled her on top letting her take control.


With a sigh, Dean slumped down on his chair. He had lost track of the amount of times he had done this, every little bit of hope kept disintegrating. He had to laugh though, isn't God supposed to have a plan for everything? Evidently not.

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