3 - Die for the abyss

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Sam and Aurora started talking quietly to themselves about helping the Devil as Castiel and Dean spoke in the other side of the library about why Cas let Lucifer possess him.

Riley walked in to see her friends separated, she sighed. This team was going to require a lot of fixing. In her hand she held a wooden box which contained a golden pen which, despite its age, glistened in the light as if it were brand new.

"Here." Riley said calling the attention of all four of them. "Golden God pen."

"Okay, let's go." Castiel said approaching her but before he could fly her away she threw her hands up in protest.

"Wait, just you and me?" She asked slightly anxious.

"No, Castiel is taking me too." Sam told Castiel.

"Oh and me, can't leave my wonderful angel with the Devil can I?" Aurora remarked linking arms with Riley.

"So basically you are taking us all." Dean said stepping next to Sam.

"I'm not sure Lucifer will approve of this." Castiel said nervously.

"Well we don't give a rat's ass what the Devil thinks." Dean shot.

Castiel nodded and flashed them all into Rosslyn Chapel where Lucifer waited impatiently with Crowley. Lucifer's head snapped up and he growled at Castiel who brought the Winchesters and a woman he believed to be Riley.

"Castiel I asked you to get the item not a team of humans." Lucifer sneered.

"Well we are a set, plus we're not all human." Riley shot back.

Lucifer looked at her confused but then noticed what she meant, "A shifter, are you being serious?"

"No! We are all having a big joke." She fired. Sam grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes it was a silent way of him telling her to settle down.

"Well Mrs Moose has some Witt." Crowley remarked.

"It is Miss. Now tell me what I need to do before I loose my shit." She snapped glaring at the devil.

"Everybody leave except Sam and Riley." Lucifer ordered.

"Who made you Boss dickbag?" Dean hissed.

"Myself. Now leave." He spat.

Reluctantly they all left leaving Sam and Riley hands locked glaring at the Devil.

"You must be Riley Titus." He said to Riley.

"I'm not here to blether. What do you want me to do?" Riley said her hand getting tighter around Sam's.

She was terrified of him, she could feel his energy racking around her system, he was undeniably more powerful than any other angel she had met in the past or any creature for that matter. Lucifer could smell Riley's fear like a chippy in the street.

"There's no need to fear me Riley." He standing in front of her.

Sam stood in between them protecting Riley and sending Lucifer daggers. Lucifer looked at Sam and then to Riley and took a step back.

"I need you to power yourself up using that pen you have in your hand, and with it you need to neutralize the enchantment on this box." Lucifer said gesturing over to the green box, it was pretty long and wide enough for a set of swords to fit in.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Riley exclaimed.

"Touch the box, do NOT blast it." He warned.

"Can't make any promises." Riley said.

She let go of Sam's hand and unboxed the pen, as she picked it up the power seeped from the pen and into her hand. She grunted as she felt the power surge up her arm and boil her blood. She fell to the ground as her veins glowed up, Sam rushed to her side helping her up.

"Riley? Are you okay?" Sam asked frantically.

"Peachy." Riley hushed sarcastically. She stood up and Lucifer eyed her carefully.

"Please be careful." He begged.

Sam was surprised by the sudden softness in Lucifer's tone, what the hell was so important to him in this box?

"I'll try." Riley said confused, she to had noticed the change in Lucifer's mood.

Riley kneeled down beside the box and Lucifer kneeled beside her making Riley slightly nervous. He gave her a nod of reassurance and Riley placed a hand on the box, it immediately lit up a bright white. Riley, Sam and even Lucifer looked away clenching their eyes shut unable to cope with the blast of light.

It dimmed slowly back down to the normal lighting Riley fell limply to the ground. Sam dashed to her side, Lucifer leaned over to her attempting to read her state.

"Riley? RILEY?!" Sam shouted.

Dean and Aurora crashed in at the sound of Sam's calling. Castiel and Crowley followed closely behind them. Sam felt tears starting to sting at the corner of his eyes.

He shook Riley's limp body and glared at Lucifer, "Help her! You did this!" He shouted.

Lucifer nodded and placed a two fingers on her head but nothing happened. Something was keeping his powers out. He shook his head in frustration, "Sam I'm sorry."

"No, you asshole! FIX HER!" Aurora shouted.

"Something is keeping my powers out."

"No, NO! You can't just use her like that and say SORRY!" Sam shouted in his face.

"Relax Sam, there is something that can help her." He looked over to the mysterious box.

"Brother, does it contain what I think it contains?" Castiel asked softly, his voice was threaded with sympathy.

"Yes." Lucifer said stroking the box slowly. "Can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Aurora snapped.

"The power? The energy cursing through your blood?" He asked still looking at the box.

All of the Winchesters stood in silence for a moment and then noticed something flowing through their blood.

"Yes... What is it?" Dean demanded.

"If I show you all what's in here you must promise to keep this a secret." Lucifer asked.

They all nodded including Crowley, Lucifer sighed heavily with a saddened look and opened up the box. Everyone besides the Angels gasped and stepped back a bit.

"What the fuck?" Dean cursed.

"What the bloody hell?!" Crowley exclaimed.

"Quite the contrary actually." Castiel stated blankly.

He moved over and put a sympathetic hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

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