14 - Working against Amara

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The Angels had attempted to smite Amara, they had damaged her but it wasn't enough to kill her.

The three archangels had spread out protecting towns from the terrible fog storms causing towns to suffer.

Riley, Aurora and Sam were investigating lost souls whilst Cas and Dean were scouting the smitting area.

Crowley was down in hell trying to find out more about the Child of God.

The Demons were searching for hands of God.

Rowena was helping out Amara however she didn't quite realize how powerful Amara was.

Whilst God was typing his rather terrible autobiography for his former scribe Metatron.

Metatron was currently scouting for food and living miserably on the shabby streets of America.

Lucifer had left Eden in the City of Light situated in heaven, as he worked with the Demons to try and find a hand of God. He is also planning to approach the Angels.


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