13 - Don't tell me I'm falling in love

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We decided to eat at a small bar, it reeked of alcohol. I followed Aurora and Riley around like a lost puppy tonight. We sat down at a table where Aurora ordered for me.

"How long have you and Sam been engaged for?" I asked.

"Four years." Riley smiled. "After the Darkness we are going to get married."

"You should totally come Eden!" Aurora said excitedly.

"I'm not sure they'd like that... Sam and Riley barely know me." I shrugged.

"Heck child, you are too good not to come!" Riley laughed.

"Child? I am not a child I am considerably a lot older than you..." I informed rather confused.

Riley chuckled, "It's just a term."

"Soooo?" Aurora dragged out. "What's the deal with you and Lucifer?"

"Deal? There's no deal between us." I said still rather confused.

"I mean like, how are you two?" Aurora laughed.

"Um... Well I feel awful for hitting him back there..." I shrugged dropping my eyes.

"Hey girl, he'll be okay with it." Riley assured. "Lucifer will probably just understand that you were angry."

"I suppose... I've never been angry before. I feel like I've upset them by saying those things." I admitted.

"Eden, they need somebody to put them in there place." Aurora said. "Besides that's not what I meant, what's the nature of yours and Lucifer's relationship?" She asked smirking.

"Um... Best friends." I answered slightly unsure myself.

"So you've never slept together?" She asked.

"Oh we've slept together, we slept together last night and did so every other night back in the garden." I smiled.

"Oh damn girl, honey that ain't a friendship, that's loooooove!" Aurora said smiling.

"Um... Aurora, I don't think Eden is talking about sex..." Riley piped in.

"Oh heavens no! I'm still a virgin!" I exclaimed.

"Did you just say virgin hot stuff?" A man said walking up to me.

"Yes I did, and I can assure you I'm am not hot, nor am I stuff. I am a being with a perfectly normal body temperature." I told the fit looking man.

I could see Aurora and Riley physically restraining themselves for laughing, which made my lips curve slightly.

"Sorry Hun, what I was saying was let me take you else where. Perhaps I can change that virgin trait of yours." He offered with a wink.

My mouth hung open as my heart flared in disgust. "I don't even know your bloody name and you are offering sex!" I hissed.

I didn't feel safe with this man near me, I wanted Lucifer to be here with with me and protect me, he would know what to do in a situation like this.
Then I realized the two girls had my back in this foreign environment.

"Hey, jackass incase you didn't get the picture, she's not interested so bugger off." Aurora said with a note of amusement present in her voice.

"Sorry..." The man mumbled walking away.

Once he left Aurora and Riley burst out laughing with tears forming at the side of their eyes which made me grin at the sight of their entertainment.

We had finished eating, and my, my. Food was delicious! Aurora quickly dipped out to go to the toilet and Riley went over to collect some beer so I was left alone as I sat and ran my hand over the brim of a beer bottle.

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