25 - To touch silver

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Meanwhile in the bunker...

"Lucifer ruined the plan." Michael scowled.

"Does it really matter?" Sam said with an eye roll. "He's safe."

"He told me to keep Eden out of the picture and ensure her safety, then he prays to her!" Michael exclaimed frustrated.

"Relax Mike, it sounds to me you are just annoyed that he changed the plan. Believe me - I get it, my brothers do it all the time." Aurora laughed handing him a beer.

"It's frustrating, isn't it?"

"Heavens yes."

"Hey, c'mon. We don't do it all the time!" Dean defended.

"You're right, we don't, you do." Sam piped in.

"I agree. Anyway, where are Eden and Lucifer?" Riley asked.

"Um... They are," Gabriel bit back a smile quickly glancing at Chuck. "Catching up."

Dean smirked, "Catching up, huh?"

"Dean." Aurora scolded.

"Good." Michael smiled. "They have a lot to talk about."

"Let's just hope they don't mate before the festival, that would be highly frowned upon." Raphael piped in.

"What festival?" Riley asked.

"When angels mate they don't just typically have intercourse, they're souls must be bonded. A very sacred act which is rejoiced by all of heaven, the festival takes place over three days which is just pure celebration and at the end of it, the couple go off and mate." Castiel explained.

"So nothing bad would happen if they did mate before the ritual?" Aurora asked.

"No but as Raphael implied, it isn't encouraged." Cas said.

"After waiting all these years, I wouldn't be waiting another three days." Dean remarked.

"Typical Dean Winchester then." Riley responded with a grin.

"Would you?" Dean asked.

"Hell no, that's like asking me to wait for marriage." Riley laughed.

"Well I, for one am glad you didn't." Sam smirked.

Gabriel piped in, "Well, whether they are mated or not, we'll still have the festival."

"What but if they are mated - that's pointless." Michael said.

"Not really, you'd still be celebrating the bonding of the souls." Gabriel responded.

"They are already mated and I'm sure once all of this is over they will celebrate." Chuck spoke up for the first time in a while.

"They've mated?!" Aurora grinned.

"Typical Lucifer." Michael said rolling his eyes.

"Indeed." Chuck nodded.

Aurora smirked and stuck out her hand in front of Riley whilst clearing her throat with a smirk. Riley rolled her eyes whilst slapping a $20 note in Aurora's hand with a huff of defeat.

"Will you be there, father?" Raphael asked.

Chuck briefly nodded, "I owe it to them."

"Well, I think since Eden and Lucifer are having a fun night, so should we." Dean announced.

"A bit more than fun I suspect." Gabriel smirked.

"Who do think tops?" Aurora pondered out loud.

"Lucifer." Riley said.

"I don't know... Eden can be quite bossy." Gabriel disagreed.

"Can we please stop talking about my daughter having sex? It's not something I want to hear." Chuck asked repulsed.

They all laughed and Dean brought out more beer, dishing it out to everyone - including the angels and God. Sam dealt a game of cards and the night was spent laughing, drinking and playing games; a rare break that they all deserved.

Tomorrow they would deal with the impending doom of a force much bigger than them all, but for tonight - they'll celebrate each other and the fact they are still breathing.

A few drinks and games later, Riley decided to retire to her bedroom that she shared with Sam. She sat down at the dressing table in front of the mirror and sighed as two beady yellow eyes looked back at her. The eyes of a shifter, not just any shifter, her. Although she didn't shift and she always remained as the look she was born with, she still felt like a freak.

She glanced at the beautiful silver engagement ring that Sam had proposed to her with, he got so caught up in the moment that he saw Riley as nothing but the love of his life - he had completely forgotten that she was not human. And in the moment he knelt down on one knee, Riley had forgotten too.

It was her deepest desire to be human, she wanted to have children with Sam one day, but not little babies that sneeze their skin off, that will go to purgatory when they die. Riley wanted tiny little humans that were the perfect combination of Sam and her.

She picked up the engagement ring, flinching as it burned her skin, but she wanted to hold it... She needed to feel like she was just a normal girl getting married to the man of her dreams, not a monster wedding a hunter.

She just wanted a human soul. Human eyes. Human DNA. She wanted to be able to touch silver.

"Hey." A soft voice greeted followed by the sound of the door closing.

Riley smiled up at her fiance whilst putting the ring down, "Hey."

Sam came over and wrapped her in a hug whilst kissing her gently. "You know, I really should get you a gold ring."

"I've said it countless times before Sam, and I'll say it again - I don't want a different ring, it's beautiful." Riley smiled and leaned up to peck his lips.

"At least let me get you a gold wedding ring." He attempted to compromise.

"No." Riley giggled. "It won't match."

He rolled his eyes but smiled. "I think we should get married after this."

"Me too, no more monsters, no more hunts, just the wedding, honeymoon and then we can go back to our normal lives." She agreed.

"Have you ever thought about living... You know, just a normal life?"

Riley chuckled, "You're asking someone who is far from normal, babe."

"I know." He sighed. "I just want to be able to hang up my hunting gear at some point."

"If that's really what you want Sam, then I'll support you - no matter what."

"Thank you, I love you." He said kissing her.

"I love you too."

"You know with all this drama going on, we've barely had a chance to relax."

"Well, Mr Winchester, we have that chance now so how do you want to relax?" Riley smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

"A massage?" Sam suggested.

Riley huffed, "I was hoping for sex."

Sam laughed, "It's called foreplay, my dear."

And with that he lifted her up kissing her as he carried his beautiful fiancée to their bed where they reminded each other how much they had to lose and how much they stood to gain.

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