23 - You never had a choice

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"I understand that you were asked to do this Dean, you really don't have to." Eden sighed.

"No, I want to. I could do with a breath of fresh air myself." Dean said as they walked through the street.

"It's a beautiful day." She muttered looking at the sky.

"Indeed it is; the sky is very... Blue... And clear." He uttered trying to make a decent attempt of small talk.

Eden chuckled at Dean, "You're funny."

"I try." He smiled back.

After a while of looking at the sky Eden's thoughts came back to Lucifer again. "Do you think Luce can see the sky?"

Dean remained quiet, he knew Eden was hurting and it was usually Sam that did things like this. "I-I don't know Eden..."

"I hope he can... So he can know the time. When I pray to him, I like to tell him about the weather." She elaborated.

"I'm sure he appreciates that." He paused wanting to try and comfort her, "We'll find him, you know that right?" Dean assured.

"Maybe once those words provided comfort Dean, but right now... The thought of him safe is the only comfort I am getting." Eden sighed.

Dean nodded feeling a little stupid.

"Sorry, I know you aren't very good at this." She apologised with a smile.

"Good at what?"

"Comforting." She answered with a small smile.

Dean chuckled, "No. That's what Sammy is for; he has these big puppy eyes that people just look into and feel like they are safe."

Eden chuckled, "He certainly has a gift for it."

He walked up to an ice-cream truck and ordered two vanilla cones. He handed one to Eden knowing that she needed sugar because she fainted yesterday due to her low blood pressure. She thanked them and they walked to the park with the sun shining on their faces. They sat on a bench that overlooked a large lake where Mallard ducks drifting with dragon flies buzzing along the surface.

"How are you Dean?" She asked.

"I'm... I'm okay." He shrugged.

"No you're not. The thing between you and Amara – it's bothering you."

He never spoke for a second but just looked out to the lake and ate his ice-cream. Eden placed a tender hand on his arm causing his attention to fix back on her.

"Talk to me." She asked.

How could he say no? That mellow voice that requested one thing could have him on his knees if she asked him to.

"I hate it." He started. "It's like this guilt that I can't escape..."

"You are... Attracted to her?" Eden pressed carefully.

Dean nodded with a shattered gaze; Eden knew why - he was also attracted to Castiel. It wasn't cheating but Dean felt like he was betraying his angel, the trench-coated ass that he has grown to love. Just when Dean accepted it, just when Dean decided to swallow up his nerves and act on it... Amara comes trotting along.

"That does make sense." Eden sighed.

She wanted Dean and Castiel to be happy; she wanted her Cassie to be loved and to experience it just like humans do.

"Why? Are we destined?" Dean asked frantically with a terror-struck gaze.

"No, no, no!" Eden assured quickly as Dean sighed out in relief and shrunk back into the bench relaxing.

I did it for you (Lucifer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now