2 - The Winchesters

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Back in the bunker Dean, Aurora and Sam walked into the library dumping down their duffle bags, they had just returned from a simple salt and burn hunt. It was the normal drill for the Winchesters, hunt if they can't find anything, then come back and dig into some lore books.

Aurora wasn't the brothers biological sister but she was adopted by John after a heartwarming case. Aurora's parents were already hunters but they died after helping John with a case leaving Aurora alone so to make it up John adopted her. Sam and Dean treated Aurora like she was their real sister, and she was. As Bobby always said, family doesn't end in blood.

"Riley?" Sam called.

Riley however was something quite different, she belonged to a powerful family of shifters. She was known as the Prima, the Alphas fist born. The Alpha (her father) asked Riley to stand with him and complete a ritual which would have bonded all the shifters together, he wanted to dominate the world with Riley at his right hand side. However Riley refused and for that she was beat down and abused for six years before her brother had enough and cursed her freezing her into the 21st century and removed all of her memories.

The Winchesters bumped into her during a case where she was ambushed by vampires, they were surprised by Riley's fighting skills and complete loss of memory so they took her in. Over time they began to learn that Riley was the Prima and Sam found himself falling undeniably for the shifter. Sam pulled Riley through all the tough times, like when Riley had the choice to recover her memories Sam was with her through it all. Riley decided against her memories, she didn't care about the past, she just cared about her future with Sam.

They had been engaged for four years now and were to be married last year however their wedding was postponed when Dean started toiling with the mark.

"Hey Losechesters." Riley joked walking through to the library.

"Hey Shifty, find anything?" Dean asked.

"No sadly, I've been rifling through this entire dump hole for a week and all I can find is crap." Riley sighed.

"Wow do insult the bunker dude." Aurora remarked.

Sam walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "How was the case Sam-squash?" She asked.

"A milk run really." He shrugged.

"Well at least none of you died!" She joked.

Sam chuckled and kissed her lips swiftly earning a groan from both Dean and Aurora. They broke apart and laughed at them both.

"Right well, back to the books!" Dean sighed.

"Yeah after a well deserved shower!" Aurora said heading to leave but a flap of wings behind her stopped her dead in her tracks.

She spun around sharply pulling out her angel blade as did Sam and Dean.

Riley pulled out her angel gun and aimed it at the trench coated angel, "Sorry Lucifer, we didn't invite you to our slumber party!" She sneered.

"It's me, it-it's Castiel!" The Angel said throwing his hands up in defense.

"Cas?" Dean called his voice breaking.

"Dean." He responded with a gentle relieved smile.

Aurora put her blade away as did Sam and Dean and Riley burled her gun into her holster. Dean walked up to Castiel and pulled Cas into a bone-crushing hug. They parted and Dean placed a hand on Cas' cheek, the other three stood in silence and watched the couple. Between them, they all knew the eldest Winchester and the Angel were in love they were just waiting for... Their ship to sail.

"What the hell Cas? How-How did..." Dean trailed off. "What happened?"

"Lucifer left to return to his original vessel." Castiel stated.

"And?" Dean demanded stepping back from him.

Dean was a little bit anxious about Castiel but nevertheless he was beyond relieved he had his love back... Sorry his best-friend.

"More importantly why?" Aurora said stepping back into the circle.

Riley grabbed Sam's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She was yet to encounter the Devil but she knew exactly how terrifying he was to Sam. Riley silently vowed for her to stand with him through the whole thing, she left Sam to go and confront Lucifer on his own and well... It didn't end how he wanted it to.

"I came to retrieve an item that is powered up by God's powers." Cas looked them all. "And I need your help, I believe this is our only shot at the darkness."

"Okay but a hand of God, where?" Sam asked.

"And you are being very vague about... Well, everything." Aurora stated.

Castiel sighed and explained, "Lucifer has found a box in Scotland and in order to open it he needs God powers. If he can open it, the... Thing that lies inside can destroy the darkness but I need the item and I need either Aurora or Riley to open it up."

"Wait why them?" Dean demanded.

"Because it is warded against Lucifer so Sam and I cannot do it as we have both been possessed by him. You can't do it because you are connected to the Darkness and have her power running through you and two different God powers running through you will tear you into shreds so it must be one of them." Castiel explained pointing to Riley and Aurora.

"I'll do it." Riley said stepping forward.

"Riley no!" Aurora said.

"Yes, my vessel is strong enough, I am the Prima shifter. I don't want you to get hurt." Riley said smiling to Aurora.

"She has a point." Castiel agreed.

"Riley you can't be serious?" Sam demanded.

"Calm down Sam-squash, Gods hands are one kickers, I'll be fine." She reassured.

Riley turned around to Castiel. "So what are we looking for?"

"A Golden pen, I believe it is in the basement." Castiel answered.

"Yes it is, I saw it earlier. Stay here I'll just go get it." Riley ordered and then left.

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