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I don't know how long I stood outside the door of my house, wondering why people put covers on other people's light. Why is hurting others a victory? How do I end Rachel's pain before she dies...or I die.

I checked the time. It was 10 past midnight. Everyone probably enjoyed their prom with grace and glory. A knock on the door and mom opened the door like she knew I was out of patience.

"Hey princess." 

"Hi mom." She tucked my hair behind my ear and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Call Victor in too." Said dad.

"Uh! he left. He just dropped me off and left." I lied. When the truth was that I left him there.

"Left?" His forehead crumpled. "Oh well! how was it?" His face transformed into a smile again.

"Fine." I said not having any energy left to explain why today was tragedy. 

"Hazel!" They both shouted after me.

"Goodnight mom dad." I yelled, entering my room.

"Honey your friend Rachel's here." Mom called out from downstairs the next evening. 

I chose not to go to school and hide in my bed. Life seemed easier this way. But life won't be truly life if it is easy.

"Hey." I swirled my arms around Rachel, taking her in a tight hug.

"You didn't show up today so I thought I should come see you."  She gave me a half smile, eyes still sad. 

"Yeah thanks. I was just feeling a little down." I replied, closing the door behind me.

Snow was falling like a confetti, hugging the Earth like it's own. We walked in silence for a while.

"I'm okay." Rachel's voice made me turn my head towards her and I was able to catch a fleeting smile.

"I know. You're stronger than what they put you through." I nervously glanced around, noticing how empty winters made everything.

"What about you?" She asked. 

"What about me?"

"You don't seem okay." 

"No I'm fine." 

Not. I thought. We were now in the park. Lifeless park.

"You wanna lie down?" I smiled at her.

"Sure." She agreed. 

And we both began staring right up at the stars.

"What is that one rule you think applies to everyone and everything in the universe." She asked in almost a whisper.

"That it shall pass. Whatever it is, just hold through and you'll make through."

"Yeah but that's not always easy." A slow sigh escaped her dry lips.

"I think life wasn't meant to be easy. You just need to make sure you have a purpose, so that when you die, you have no regrets." I brushed some snow off of my face.

"I don't think that's possible." She slowly shook her head, as if she was in some other world.

"What do you think is the worst thing?" I broke her thoughts.

"Two young hearts in love and apart." She took no time to reply, her voice simple and stern.

Her answer caught me off guard and I sat up, staring at her like she had revealed the biggest truth of the universe.

"I know Hazel." She said, sitting up too. "When will you tell him?"


"Well do it because you wouldn't wanna regret this." She raised her brows, setting her mouth in a straight line. I nodded.

Placing my hands in pockets, I found some abandoned money in them. My whole face lit up.

"You want some hot cocoa?" I smirked. She smiled.

"Please remind me why everyone still gives a shit about prom." Mason came in with his mouth stuffed with an apple while I was shoving books into my locker the next day.

"Because they are all psychos seeking fun in all the wrong ways." I replied in a monotonous tone.

"Did you hear about the party at Sandy's?" Linda joined.

"The new year one?" Mason inquired.

"Yup. It's gonna be so lit." She squealed.

"I hope." I shrugged.

It was at this party that Rachel ended it for her. The moment she gave up.

"So you're coming right?" Linda snapped before my eyes.

"Umm I'll see." I cleared my throat.

"Nope you're defo coming. I need to do the countdown with you two donought heads." Mason said.

I laughed and gently patted his head.

"Hazel. Come down." Mom's voice made me put lipstick on faster.

But as I put my dress and makeup on, anxiety capped me like a bottle cup, keeping everything in. Unable to excrete the thoughts poisoning my mind.

"Hazel?" She shouted louder when I did not reply. 

"Coming." I said as I placed the usb that had Veronica's video in my pocket. I had to be well armed for this war.

My phone lit up and I saw Rachel's name on the screen.

Rachel: Can you pick me? 

Me: Yeah sure.

"Hello Mrs. Steward." Rachel said as she entered the car.

"Hey. How are you?" Mom smiled at her through the rear view mirror.

"Just fine."I turned my head and smiled at her.

Her phone rang but she instantly silenced it.

Weird. I thought.

"So who's this Sandy girl?" Mom asked while taking a left turn.

"Just a girl from school. Not that we're close or anything but since everyone's going so...." I shrugged, leaving the sentence unfinished.

Rachel's phone rang again. 

"You can take it." I said.

"No it's fine." She made a dismissive gesture with her hand.

It was almost 10 when we reached there.

"I asked you to be here at 8."Linda ranted.

"Sorry dude. I slept through mom shouting WAKE UP HAZEL." I too a sip from her margarita. 

"All my ladies are finally here." Mason took us in a hug. Surprisingly, he pulled Rachel in too.

The music was so loud that it made my skin tingle and my heart beats synchronized with the beats of the music. So much was happening in such little space. I saw Rachel hovering in a corner while she talked to someone on phone. I began walking towards her.

"Would my runway princess like to dance?" I was startled as Victor approached me. 

"Sure." I placed my drink down and took his hand. We went to the dance floor where the sober became drunk with music. I danced too. A smile painted on my face as I danced like I only had today. Mason and Linda came too. One moment, one brilliant feeling of togetherness suspended in time. 

And here it was, the last day of my second deed.

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