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"No please. I can't be dead. I'm only 23." I continued pleading, " Let me live. You cannot rob me of my youth." My muscles tensed and my mouth went dry. I was on the verge of tears.

"The hell I can't. I am capable of vanishing you from this universe and from the thoughts of the people you think would never forget you. Altogether." He took a few step towards me and snapped his fingers, "Just like that."


"Hey! watch it Hazel." The lady said. Clearly she was angry.

I sighed. I had to do something.

I swallowed my pride and ripped myself off of my ego. Slowly and gradually I got on my knees. My vision blurred by unshed tears.

"Please. I don't want to die just yet. I'm still too young." And then I looked up. He stared at me wordlessly.A momentary look of discomfort crossed our faces.

I got up and placed my hand at the back of my neck and began rubbing it.

"Good deeds." I stopped to look at him and said, "I had so many good deeds to do."

"Oh really?" He asked in a sarcastic tone the purpose of which I could not understand.

"Y...yes....really." I said.

He  studied my face for a brief moment and then took the lady on one side. They began discussing something while I stood there on nothing. After a couple of moments that took  forever to pass, they looked in my direction and I quickly shifted my gaze. They came near me.

"So, my boss.." The lady stated.

"Wait. You have a boss? Aren't you an angel?" I interrupted her.

"Yes I am. And angels have bosses too. Now stay silent."

I gestured to zip my lip.

"My boss has made a generous and sagacious decision." My stomach contracted into a tight ball. What if I had made the situation worse? Lines of stress formed on my forehead.

"He has decided", she continued, "to allow you to do three good deeds."

"WHAT? Only three?" I hollered.

" Take her to the upper level. This young lady does not want to go back." The old man said in his funny voice.

"No. Wait, three is fine." I said when the lady began approaching me. "But what after that?"

"You can go back to any three times of your life and after that, you'll die the same way." The lady informed me.

I stared at her as if she had said something utterly nonsense. This was not the deal I wanted but since I had no other choice, I decided to go with the flow.

"Very well then. I think my work here is done. Laura I suppose you can handle from here." The man said. She nodded after which he gave me brief look and I passed him a nervous smile. He then snapped his fingers, disappearing with a bright light.

I looked at the lady. "So Laura?" I raised a brow.


"Thats not angelic at all. And honestly your wings are too white they seem fake."

"Shut up!" She took a  deep breath and clapped thrice. A door appeared several inches away. As we were walking towards it, I saw another angel. But he looked hideous. Carrying another soul.  Hand cuffed.

"Whats his deal?" I asked Laura who did not seem to be bothered at all as we walked past them.

"Oh him?" She said pointing her thumb backwards, "He's the angel of darkness. He captures souls of the people who have committed a sin that can never be forgiven."

I nodded slowly, dropping the conversation for I knew it would lead to somewhere too deep and dark.

"Ah! here we are. You definitely would want to shut your eyes girl."

She said as she opened the door. A gust of wind blew my hair. I was incredulous as I looked down through it.

I held on to Laura but she pushed me away and instead offered her hand.

"No over speeding." I said while I practically squished her hand in mine.

"Wow! easy there little lady."

And then she walked past that door. She was calm but I WAS FREAKING OUT.  We were falling with the speed of light. The edges of my mouth curled upwards. I couldn't even breathe properly.

"STOP. Slow down." I screamed.

"We're almost there." She replied.

I could now see the ground.

"I cannot believe I'm about to get smashed to death." I thought.

But we stopped a few inches from the ground and then she suddenly dropped me. I fell on my face.

"Ouch!" I said as I got up and brushed my clothes, "We could've taken the stairs."

"Oh honey, there are no stairs." She remarked with a smile that I was now finding annoying.

I looked around and chaos erupted in my mind.

I felt as though every vein in my body was exploding, and every bone was being twisted.

Author's Note: 

Hey everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the story. I'm trying my best to bring these characters to life but if you have any suggestions then do comment to let me know and don''t forget to vote.

Thank you.

Death and the Deeds ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon