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"Hazel?" I heard a low scream coming from the hallway. I hastily placed the mobile in my pant's pocket and followed Mason's voice to the hallway.

"What took you so long?" I frowned.

"Uh this", he said pointing at the ladder he was holding. "I got this for us."

My whole face lit up. "Good. Let's go." I exclaimed.

We both climbed the ladder and sat on the wall as he pushed the ladder up and brought it to the other side.

"Thanks Mason." I said as I drove back in the haunted silence of the night.

"Anytime mate." He said, as he turned on the heater of the car and settled back as if trying to sleep. A smile played on my lips as I heard him snore.


I fought back an urge to abduct him and drive away to a Utopian world where I could call him mine. But he was like fire and I was water. Fire and water cannot be together. Unless one dies. He never really loved me beyond a friend. Yet he managed to free the caged butterflies.

"Mason." I whispered. He flinched.

"We're outside your house. Wake up."

"Just a little more." He twisted his body away from me, mumbling.

It was a good thing he was sleepy. Maybe he won't check for his mobile. I took off his jacket.

"Mason get out of the car and go sleep in your room." I yelled as I shook him.

"Jeez Hazel. I'm leaving." He slowly opened the door and got out.

"Here." I passed him the jacket. "Goodbye." I waved.

"Bye." He just raised a hand.

Once home, I transferred the video to my computer, smiling as I did so because I had captured the monster and it was now time to tame her.

"Are you guys coming to Nick's party this Saturday?" Linda inquired as we were shoving the books in the lockers next day.

"Is it this weekend?" I muffled a yawn. Linda nodded.

"I'll see." I said peaking at the entrance, desperately waiting to see Veronica's reaction.

"I think I lost my phone." Mason said, scratching the back of his head with a sad pout.

"Here. You left it in the car last night." I giggled, taking his phone out of my bag.

"Last night? What were you guys doing...last night?" Lines appeared on Linda's forehead.

Mason and I exchanged a look of horror.

"Nothing." We said simultaneously.

"What the hell?" Our moment of discomfort was broken by Veronica's abrupt shouting. She grabbed David by the arm and sped off, out of the hallway. I heard her saying I asked you to before it became inaudible for me.

Mason winked at me and I gave him a thumbs up. Rachel soon came in too. She went towards her locker after waving at me.

"Ooh someone's staring the shit out of you." Linda teased, looking at someone behind me.

I slightly twisted my head. I saw a smiling Victor. He did not look away even when our eyes met. Victor was the famous hot British nerd. Not too popular but definitely crush material.

But why was he smiling at me?

"Time to go girls." Mason said, as he practically pushed us out of there.

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