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Rachel's face turned white like a corpse. Her mouth hung open with her lips slightly parted. She stopped at the table where the two men were sitting. 

"I told you to stay away from him." She shouted at the the guy I could not identify as she leaned in with her fists on the table.

The guy looked at her and I was able to get a glimpse of him. His crimson red eyes stated the fact that he was drunk. 

"Rachel is here. Yay." The drunk guy tried to get up but stumbled back on his seat.

"Why can't you be sane and stay the heck away from him." She shouted, garnering a few stares.

"I'm fin..fine by mys..myself." 

"Leave." Rachel grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up. He made a stumbled attempt to walk. Rachel held his arm and led him to the door. I assisted her but the sharp smell of alcohol churned my bowels.

Luckily we were able to get a cab for him and Rachel explained the address to the driver before we came back in.

Rachel violently pushed the chair the drunk guy was sitting in with her leg and stood in front of the other guy with her hands on the table. The guy was smirking like a hunter smiling at his final prey.

"I told you to leave him alone." Rachel said through clenched teeth.

"I don't take orders from you." He took a sip of wine.

"You're a coward. Stay the hell away from Oliver."

"If I do that, how will I be able to etch myself in your memory?" His lips curled upwards from one side.

"Oh there is no way I can ever forget a snake like you." She growled.

"You betrayed me. And I don't let things go. I finish them."

Their voices rose above the sacred silence. Both of them were like hungry dogs fighting for dominance. Whoever hurts more, wins.

"I will kill you." Rachel said as her face went ash.

"Not if I kill you first." He gave a sinister smirk.

Rachel pushed the table from below, toppling it over before she stormed out of the cafe leaving me standing there like a sudden cold had hit my heart. My eyes met with that guy and it was more than just a tingle that ran underneath my skin.

I went outside and saw Rachel standing against a wall with the palms of her hand pressed tightly against her eyes. She tried sitting down outside the cafe but it was more of a stumble and fall that left her a trembling heap on the sidewalk.

"Rachel?" I whispered as I clasped her shoulder. She did not look up.

"Are you okay?"

She struggled to get up and looked in my direction. Her eyes manifested despair. Like all the doors were closed for her and there was no way out left.

"Who was he?" I asked blowing into my hands to warm them up.

"I'll tell you. But not here." 

"We can go to my home." I gave a low smile.

"No. We're going to the witch's place." It's funny how she did not call the place she lived at her home because it is true, home is not a place, home is where your people are. 

Rachel entered first, casually while I stepped in slowly with my heart in my mouth.

"Rachel!" The witch yelled from the living room but she did not stop or look back.

"Okay so spill everything now." I said, settling on her bed.

"Who do you want to know about first?" She questioned as she leaned against a wall to my right.

"The drunk guy."

"Well he's Oliver. My brother." 

"What?" I couldn't prevent the fear travelling through my nerves from reaching my face as I felt it warming up.

"And the other guy is Spear, my ex boyfriend." I saw pain flickering in her eyes, too bright to be hidden. "After my parents, he helped me and my brother a lot. He organized the chaos in our lives. He told me he had his own business. Spear was the kind of the guy whose thoughts keep you up at 3. I felt like he went inside of me and rewired everything. He was perfect. But everything seems perfect before you find out that it was all just a lie." She paused and swallowed forcefully. As if trying to hold in her emotions.

"What happened then?" I asked as I sat there with my arms around me.

"Turns out everything he said he was, was a mask that beautifully veiled the ugly truth. He was no business man or a good guy he feigned to be, but he was a part of an underground mafia. The only thing he knew all the rules to, was how to hurt." 

I listened as I unknowingly pinched my fingers into my skin as I hugged myself.

"When he realized that I was in love with him, he tried to introduce me to the filth underground and when I refused he took revenge." She scratched her neck.

"How?" I asked.

"He introduced the only family I had left to the mafia. Oliver."

My eyes stretched as far as they could.

"Spear made Oliver the bastard he is now. Oliver turned out to be even worse. I tried to stop him, but there is nothing you can do when the seed has already been planted."

"Why did you not go the police?" She chuckled.

"There is no way the police can catch Spear. He is smarter than all of their plans. And even if I do, he would've killed me and Oliver."

"So what does he want now? He took his revenge." I pouted.

She sat down on the spot beside me.

"I'm the evidence he wants to hide. No wait. I'm the evidence he wants to do away with. I'm the only witness to so many of his sins. So he's slowly building a wall around me, to try and cage me."

She began rubbing the inside of her palm with the thumb of the other hand. I stretched my hand out to her's and pulled her in a hug, wanting to shield her as I heard her silently crying.

The more I get to know about her, the harder it was getting to save her. Her life was a hell and there not just one devil. I wondered how many villains were there in her life. 

The sun showed up dressed in an orange cover on Wednesday morning. The cold air was whistling like an invisible ghost as I entered the school with Rachel who I picked up because her bike got taken away. 

In front of my locker, I saw five guys standing. One of them was holding a large P cut out off the glitter paper. The next one was holding an R followed by an O and then M. On the sides there were two more guys holding balloons. One of them held a balloon with a NO written on it while Victor held a balloon with a YES written on it. Someone handed me a bow and three arrows. I aimed at the balloon with YES written it but missed it. Once and then again. Rachel grabbed the corner of the arrow and fixed it at a specific position.

"Release now." She said.

I did and the pop sound produced a smile on everyone's face

I looked at Rachel and whispered, "wow!"

"Well when you've been the bad guy's girl once, you at least learn how to shoot properly." She smirked.

Victor came closer and picked me up by my waist, swirling me around and then gently kissed my head.

"I never thought you'd say yes. You're...you're amazing." His lips turned to a smile that melted me.

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