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He continued staring at me like I was from some other species. I felt like I was under water. Unable to breathe.

"Anyway, Rebecca", he finally shifted his gaze on to her, "Let me know when the arrangements are done. We can't afford messing up."

I let go of a long breath.

"Don't worry." She said and got on her toes to hug him but he pushed her away.

What a bitch. I thought.

"What is wrong with you? I'm just trying to..."But there she stopped, suddenly, for he gave her a look so swift and so venomous, that the words caught in her throat and she became quiet.

"Nothing. Just do what you're told." He said and walked away after giving me a final brief look.

She grabbed a pen holder lying on her table and threw it at the wall and let go off a frustrated scream.

"Well now that the show is over, can you please show me where the ATM is?"

She looked at me as if my words were choking her.

"Of course."

She lead. I followed. I gave a thumbs up to Linda as I walked past her.

"Here it is, Sir."

"Thank you. You can go now." I would've had to stage another drama of forgetting my credit card if she had stayed longer.

"Okay. I'll be at my place if you need anything."

You won't be there long. I thought.

"Sure." I replied.

I knew this was wrong. But is it really wrong if you're doing it to make things alright?

"Did you?" I asked Linda who was waiting for me by the car. She raised her hand for a high five and I got my answer.

"Lets hurry back. You know how Richard is." She said.

"You bloody interns." I said, imitating him.

"What about the papers? Did you send them to the journalists and news papers?" She asked when we reached the office hoping that we'll be able to sneak in without getting noticed.

"Oh boy. I forgot that part. I'll do it now."

"Do you think getting her out of his sight would get her out of his mind too?"

"I'm certain about that. That chick manages to get on my every single nerve. Dad doesn't like her. She is probably more of a one night stand that you regret but you can't avoid because she's always around you."

Now I just had to wait for Dad.

After a while of taking long breaths in and out, he finally came.

"Hey Dad."

"Hi baby girl." No smile. And I was the reason behind it.

"Steward, whats wrong?" Mom asked as she entered the living room to join us.

"Everything Jess." He sat down with arms folded tightly across his broad chest. "The deal got exposed." He began tapping his foot furiously.

Wow what a surprise. I thought.

"And?" Mom asked as she sat beside him with her hand on his shoulder.

"Well the deal's cancelled. The CEO ordered to search the whole building for the original file." I smiled. Just as planned.

"Turns out", he continued, "that my assistant....", Mom lifted her hand off of his shoulder. Dad looked at mom. "Stole it. Only I had the original file."

"Ahan. I wonder how she got a chance to do so." Said mom. An angry frown creased her forehead.

Not the right time mom. I thought.

"So?" I questioned.

"So we've transferred her to one of our branches in Italy."

What? Transferred? Wait. This was better. Had she been fired. She would've been in the same city. But now she was in an entirely different country. I raised my brows as my lips curled downwards.

"So you're sad that your side chick is no more by your side?"

"Mom." I shouted.

"What even Jess. This deal was important. It was a breakthrough for my career."

Oops. I felt my insides grew warm in an unpleasant way. But you just cannot win everything. So you have to prioritize.

"I'll go shower." Said dad as he got up.

"Mom what was that?" I addressed her once he was out of sight.

"What was what?" She said as she laid back on the sofa.

"Forgive him. At least he regrets it."

"Easier said than done."

"I know. I know that he has made a small hole in the bucket but if you don't put your finger on it, the water will keep leaking until none is left. Whats the use of an empty bucket Mom."

Silence lingered between us as she stared at me speechlessly.

"I never expected him to cheat on me. You don't cheat on people you love."

I sighed. Expectations. The root cause of all the problems and hurt. Expectations are seldom lived up to. Most of the times, they are just shattered.

"Give him one more chance. If he blows it, we'll both kick his ass."

She laughed. "Okay. I'll go and see if he's alright then."

"Perfect. Go and make him believe that you're still with him even after everything." She kissed my forehead and then vanished like dad.

What are the odds that things go exactly as you want them to. I smirked.

"Success." I texted Linda.

I walked into my room and was taken aback to see Laura there.

"You." I smiled and hugged her.

"Just here to remind you. Two days girlie."

"If 24th passes and they don't divorce, does that mean the day is saved?


"I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask away darling."

"What happens when you clap four times."

She clapped four times and then disappeared.

"Oh!" I said like a child who has seen some sort of a magic trick. "Got it." I shouted. Not that she could hear me.

Two more days. Survive. I thought.

The next morning I woke up earlier then usual. I lifted my head from the pillow, my curly and frizzy hair tumbling down my back like a waterfall. I stood near the window. It felt nice as the sun's waking rays warmed up my body. I expected to hear the birds chirping accompanied by the rustling of leaves but the only thing I could  hear was croaking of frogs. I shook my head.

I got ready and went downstairs. Mom and dad were having breakfast and I joined them. I didn't realize how much I missed this.

But when I came back from the office, there was something odd in the air. Shattered pieces of glass on the floor were not a good sign. An unsettling feeling began welling inside me.

Author's Note:

Hey :D I'm sorry for updating after a very long time. Don't forget to vote. The first deed is going to be over soon. Probably one more chapter. Also why do you people give me like no feedback at all?

Next Update: Friday

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