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My breath came in shallow gasps as I felt my feet hurt like I had been walking on thorns. Even if there was a moon that night its silvery rays did not penetrate the dense canopy above.  Even the soft swish of the branches felt heavy in the ears. I followed the path trembling in the light of the torch I was holding. The narrow path which was made uneven by the knotted roots crossing it, branched at intervals. I looked back over and over as the fear took over me. I could feel the sweat drenching my skin as I took each step.

Fear engulfed my conscience , like a constant hammer on my head as I saw a snake approaching me. I stared into it's cold reptilian eyes. A gust of wind threw fine dust into my eyes, but I dared not blink. It circled my feet once. And then twice. At that moment, nothing mattered. I placed a hand on my heart, trying to stay calm. Snakes smell fear, and once they do, they grant no mercy.

I covered my mouth with a hand as I saw it retreating, pushing back the scream but I let the tears fall. I then moved forward again, stumbling over the roots.

"I can't do this." I heard a low voice. Tension grew in my limbs as I tucked my hair behind my ears and began walking towards the sound.

"I can't do this." The voice became closer. I stumbled backwards as I stared at the back of girl with wide horrific eyes. Several snakes were wrapped around her body. Both of her hands rested beside her body with a gun in one of her hands.

"I can't do this." She repeated as she slowly turned around.

I took another step back and stumbled over a branch when I saw her. My shoulders shook in fear and I could feel my eyes throbbing.

"Rachel! What are you doing?" I managed to speak with a trembling voice. Her face was red and her eyes were bloodshot.

"It's going to be fine. You'll make it through it all." I took a step closer.

She smiled and shook her head side to side, biting her lower lip as tears fell like raindrops on her cheeks. She then raised the gun to her head.

"No. Stop. Put the gun down!" I yelled at her.

But she wrapped her finger around the trigger and shut her eyes tightly.

"No!" I screamed as loudly as I can.

"Hazel, wake up!" I opened my eyes to my mom jerking me. My body face was wet with sweat.

"It was just a dream. You're fine." She said as she pulled me into a tight hug. I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Water." I said as I took long breaths, like my lungs had been deprived of oxygen the whole night.

She soon appeared with a glass of water and I gulped down all of it in one breath as my mom rubbed my back.

"Go shower. I'll make breakfast." She kissed me on my head. I drowsily got up to remove the curtains, the struggling sunlight made it's way in as I did so. I leaned at my computer table, smiling like a wolf observing its prey as I remembered sending Veronica the video of that night from a fake account as a warning.

"Where were you last night? I called you a million times." I asked when I saw Linda standing near her locker talking to a blonde girl. She turned towards me while that blonde girl walked away.

"Calm down I was with Mark." She said with a bubbly smile, throwing a portion of her hair in the air.

"Oh so you were enjoying while someone had the worst day because of you." I folded my arms and set my mouth in a hard line.

"What are you talking about?" She said as she narrowed her eyes.

"How dare you tell Veronica that Rachel works at Wendy's"  I felt my ears getting hot as I spat out each word.

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