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I hurried towards the women's washroom. I opened the door. I could feel my heart pounding violently. It seemed as if it would come out of my chest.


"RACHEL!" I called out but to my dismay, no reply came.

I then made my way to the men's, praying that it would be empty and I sighed in relief when I found it soul free. But as I stepped in, I could hear muffled screams coming from one of the bathroom stalls. I was barely able to walk towards it, as if all the energy had been drained out of me. As if the fear had told my eyes to cry, my legs to freeze and my heart to ache. I ran my tongue over my dried lips before finally opening the door.

There sat Rachel with her hands and legs tied tightly and her face duck tapped, like she was a criminal who had tried to escape. She got on her knees when she saw me, a choked cry for help forced itself up her throat and tears made their way through her crimson red eyes. An invisible hand clasped my mouth as I stood there, speechless and frozen.

I noticed blood on her forehead as I quickly tried to free her hands and legs. Before I could remove the tape, she gripped me in a tight hug. Color had drained off her face and she was as white as a sheet.

"It's okay. I'm here now." I whispered.

Her body trembling against mine as she began crying violently. I wanted to calm her down but it seemed as if she was beyond that level. A silent scream formed in my throat as I pulled her back to remove the tape. Her chest rising and falling unevenly as she tried to breathe in between the coughs.

"It's alright. Everything's gonna be okay Rachel." I mumbled as I ran my hand through her disheveled hair. I had no idea how to pacify her hysterical crying.

"Here. Feel my heartbeat." I said as I placed her hand on my chest. "I've got you now. You're gonna be fine now."

It took a moment before she slowly started calming down. Her crying was now reduced to hiccups. I gave her a tight hug before helping her to get up. I lead her to the women's washroom and she washed her face several times.

But one cannot wash away the fear so evident from eyes.

"Come on. Let's do something for that nasty wound." I said pointing to her forehead. She nodded.

"I can't do this anymore." She said as we got out of the nurse's room.

"Do what?" I asked with a frown as I continued walking.

"Living. I can't live anymore. I don't want to."

I turned towards her. I could see every ounce of life draining out of her.

"I know you're hurt. I know this is hard for you but hang on a little more. Things get bad only to get right." I stated as I slowly brushed my hand through her hair.

She got down on her knees concealing her face behind her hands and began crying silently. I sat beside her hoping no one sees us.

"What to do when the inside of you gets so empty that you start filling it with pain and despair?" She questioned out of nowhere.

"Chase it out of you." I replied.


"Replace it."


Ugh! Can't she be quiet so I can hug her or something.

"Search for happiness in little things." I said.


"Like the free coffee I'm about to treat you with." She smiled and I grabbed her along with me.

Death and the Deeds ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن