"She didn't do it the last time."

"It's because you've been talking to her more often." I rolled my eyes at his ignorance.

I thought I was the one that wasn't good with girls.

Naruto looked away, as if suddenly in deep thought.

"Go for it." I added.

Naruto's cheeks turned scarlet and as he was about to open his mouth, Sai walked in with tape.

"Sai!" I could tell Naruto was relieved he showed up to save him, "What took you so long?"

"Most of the school appeared to be out of tape." He gave a close-eyed smile with a tilt of his head, holding up the product we needed. One of his fake smiles.

"Bullshit." I drawled.

"I also bumped into Ino on the way." He added truthfully.

I knew it.

"Hey man, bros before hoes. You know the rule." Naruto advocated.

"What is a hoe?" Sai asked with a puzzled expression.

I smiled slightly and shook my head.

Sakura's POV

I woke up to the sharp feeling of Miruku's claws digging into my skin.

"What the hell, Miruku?" I squinted at my cat who sat on the other side of the bed, trying to destroy the sheets, but also destroying my legs in the process.

I groaned and tried to gently push her off the bed but she kept jumping up on it again.

Eventually giving, up I laid back onto my pillows with a huff.

Well, at least it was Saturday.

My arm lazily thrusted out to the side of me and my fingers clenched around my phone. I was just about to check the time when it suddenly buzzed in my palm.

I answered, pressing it against my ear.

"Hey, Ino."

"Hey, Sak. I'm coming over."

"What time?" I followed with a yawn.

"Um... Now?"

I frowned. "What?"

"I'm parked outside."

I threw back the covers of my bed and walked over to the window. Squinting as I flung the curtains open and allowed light to pour into my room, I was able to see her leaning on her purple car, in my driveway.

I shook my head.

"Ino, how many times do I have to tell you to call at least half an hour before you come?" I sighed irritably, "I'm still in my pyjamas."

I saw her advance to the front door.

"Hey, I'm your best friend, I have diplomatic immunity."

I rolled my eyes and hung up as the bell for my giant doors chimed throughout the mansion.

I dragged my feet down the stairs.

It really sucks not having a butler anymore.

I pulled it open and Ino walked straight in with some bags.

"What's this?" I raised a brow as I followed her to my room.

"You'll soon see."

We walked up the stairs and Ino scoped the area with a slightly surprised look.

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