Not an update ;)

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RIGHT OKAY. I know this isn't an update and sorryyyy but I have a very important question. Do you guys think there should be smut in here or something because idk I'm happy to write it if you want it but I feel like it's nice all innocent and stuff. I don't even have to go into detail, just the presence of it? I know HiddenWithHiddles will definitely be all for it because she's fantastic like that but I can't decide, so I've come to a conclusion, I want you to decide, so comment or message me or whatever to let me know, after all I write this thing for you to read :)

Also, I really wanna recommend something if you didn't know, dan used to do songs with Ralph from to kill a king, they called themselves 'Annie Oakley hanging' or 'randalph' or just Ralph and dan. But yeah, the songs they did called 13 steps, telegraph road, Owen and Colours of love are all really really good, all of them are on youtube and are pretty easy to find so yeah GO CHECK IT OUT. :D

The reason I never update is because people write so many great and freaking addictive fics and I just can't seem to rip myself away from them ahh

Right I'm gonna go away now because I'm so freaking boring oh my god.

But yeah let me know okay ;D I feel like it's about time anyway..


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