Chapter 17 - Sunshine

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About time I updated huh... sorry >.< This ones gonna be longer I promise (and that would be what she said) I am also very sorry about not updating the same day as I last updated but I honestly was quite tired. Onwards.

I woke up wrapped tightly in Dan's arms. I smiled as I saw rays of sunshine peep curiously through the curtains. I felt Dan stir next to me.
"Morning beautiful" Dan grinned, his eyes sleepy and only half open.
"Hi handsome" I replied, grinning at his sleepy expression.
He leaned down, pecking me on the cheek. I replied with a quick kiss on the lips and a smile before cruelly ripping off the covers. Dan groaned loudly.
"Come on you lazy sod, get up we have places to go! People to meet!" Dan's answer was simply an attempt to pull me back into bed, followed by a long "nooooooo".
"Seriously Dan, were meeting Sierra and her friends today! And you're coming, whether you like it or not!" I grinned at him, pulling him out of bed and letting him crash on the plushy carpet. Another groan came from his general direction.
"You're evil" He yawned, shielding his eyes from the now open curtains. I glanced back over at him and remembered he was only wearing his boxers, and was now lying almost completely naked on the floor, looking rather beautiful to say the least. His hair was more ruffled than normal, and was all stuck up in different directions, his pale chest rising and falling gently as he breathed. He lifted his arm slightly to look up at me and smirked, as I blushed furiously. He wiggled his eyebrows at me, still smirking, so I threw a pillow at his stupid gorgeous face.
"Take that Smith." I said stubbornly.
"You were the one staring" His eyebrow-wiggling intensified, only to be met by yet another pillow in his face.
He fake-cried into the pillow and shouted "YOU'RE MEAN".
I gently kicked him in the side, intending to moan at him about going out and seeing Sierra, but instead found myself being dragged to the floor by my leg and landing on top of Dan.
"Ow, what was that for?!"
"For hurting me in the face. Twice." He said, with a completely emotionless face. And then, all of a sudden, we were kissing, half naked on the floor. Just as Dan's hands began to trail down my sides, the door opens. Will. Of course.
"Hey guys have yo- JESUS!" He screamed, before I grabbed the duvet off the bed, covering mine and Dan's almost completely naked bodies.
"WHAT IS IT?! WHAT'S GOING ON?! SHALL I CALL THE POLI- OH BLOODY HELL DAN" Kyle screamed at the sight, which was clearly worse than anything he'd ever seen before.
"Morning guys.." I grinned sheepishly.
They turned their backs and ran away, muttering things that didn't quite make sense, such as "Get a bloody room".
I looked over at a now beetroot red Dan, before erupting into fits of giggles.


I chewed and swallowed my last piece of bacon, Dan had cooked breakfast for everyone as a 'sorry for the sight' apology. It wasn't that much of a big deal but you know how much of a drama queen Will is, let alone Kyle.
"Right, well I'm off guys, I have to take Chrissy out for our anniversary" Woody said, rubbing his now bacon, toast and assorted breakfast food-filled belly.
"Yeah, I'm off too, I have to go have lunch with my mum for some unknown reason" Will added, grinning stupidly.
"Bye guys!" Dan, Kyle and I waved in unison. After hearing the door shut, I gather up the plates and cups to take out into the kitchen. We always ate in the lounge, no-matter what the occasion.
"Kyle, Dan, go get ready now you idiots, we have to leave in like 10 minutes okay?"
We all hurried upstairs and got ready just in time. We walked to the Starbucks I had arranged to meet Sierra in, and went in. We were met by the familiar sounds of chatting and coffee machines, along with the strong smell of coffee. We all walked up to the counter and ordered our drinks.
"Latte for me thanks" I smiled at the girl on the other side of the counter. She had blonde hair cut into a pixie cut, and I instantly noticed her thick black eyeliner flicks. Her name tag read 'Kelsey'. She hadn't taken any notice of Dan and Kyle stood closely behind me, and was now looking down at the till, taking my order. Wait.. I knew that face.
"Kelsey?" She looked up at me, slightly confused.
"S-Sophia, is that you?" A small smile breaking out on her face. No way..
"Is it you? This is insane, I haven't seen you in FOREVER." I grinned at her. I hadn't seen Kelsey since we went to separate universities several years ago. We both always said we'd end up in London someday. We were best friends in school and college, and spent weeks on end together. It was hard when we went our separate ways.
We hugged tightly over the counter, and I felt her body tense up as she noticed who was stood behind me. She pulled away quickly, and looked from me, to Dan, to Kyle and back to me again. She had always been a bit of a fan of Bastille, and I could tell that she was in shock.
"Is that who I think it is" She whispered, staring intently at Kyle and Dan.
I grinned at her before intertwining my hand with Dan's, causing her eyes to widen and her mouth to fall into an 'O' shape.
"Who do you think it is Kels?" I winked. I looked at Dan and he grinned widely.
"Oh my god" She muttered. We had always joked about me being destined to be with 'Dan from Bastille', but neither of us had ever expected it to actually happen.
"I think we have a lot of catching up to do." I smirked at her as she nodded wildly.
"When's your lunch hour?" Dan asked curiously.
"Ten minutes" She replied, still shell shocked. Her strong Welsh accent had faded over the years, but was still there in the background of her voice.
"Join us!" I say a bit too loudly.

The boys order their drinks and we sit down in a booth near the back as we wait for Kelsey, Sierra and her friends. Kelsey soon plodded over in her black DM's. We were soon joined by Sierra, who had brought with her a girl with long dark hair and eyes. She wore a long red maxi skirt and red lipstick. She smiled warmly, and we all introduced ourselves.
"I'm Jasmine" The brunette says, shaking my hand.
"Sophia" I reply, smiling. I liked her already. She then turns to Kyle, and I suddenly become aware of how nervous he has become. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
"I-I'm Kyle" He stuttered.
I leant up to Dan's ear and whispered "someone's got a cru-ush!" Which caused Dan to burst out laughing.
I turned to Sierra, giving her a hug.
"Sierra, this is my, er, boyfriend Dan, and these are my friends Kelsey and Kyle" I introduce them.
"They seem to be getting along well.." Sierra suggests in her strong American accent, hinting at Kyle and Jasmine. We all grin at eachother knowing what Sierra meant.


Two hours had passed, six latte's and a hot chocolate later Sierra, Kelsey and I were listening to Dan talk about the band as Kyle and Jasmine were STILL chatting. They really would make an adorable couple.
We all agreed that it was about time to head home, so we all said our goodbyes, exchanged numbers and hugged eachother.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you!" Kelsey began.
"What?" I reply.
"I have a boyfriend now too!"
"Really? That's great, what's his name?" I ask.
"Christian!" She says, the admiration clear in her eyes from simply thinking about him.
"He's American.." she continues, almost in a trance.
"Are you kidding me? THE Christian?!"
A sly grin erupts on her face.
"CHRISTIAN NOVELLI?" I say, a little too loud.
"Aha!" she chimes, grinning wildly.
She chuckles as she looks at my wide-eyed expression.
"Christian bloody Novelli, wow" are the only words I can form.

OH MY GOD THAT TOOK BLOODY AGES. Okay so yeah an update and it's actually pretty long.. And the promised new characters. Kelsey and Jasmine are based on two of my friends, so that's cool I guess.. Kelsey's actually started a fic about Amazingphil so if you wanna check that out that would be awesome <3 her name is prettyaveragekelsey so go check her out okay? ^~^ <3
Okay I have no idea what else to write so yeah okay see you in the next chapter..
(>^.^)> <3

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